
  • 网络perfumer;Flavorist
  1. 充满天赋和创造力的调香师是我们在市场中立于不败的核心竞争资源。

    We have modern and innovative artisans , they are our core competition resource to approach the success .

  2. 香气经调香师评定香气纯正,符合香料的使用要求。

    It has been proved by perfumers that they had better and purer flavor which could meet the requirements for perfume .

  3. 调香师克里斯多夫•布罗修斯出品的“在图书馆里”系列香水可以让你的家和身体跟图书馆一个味。

    Perfumer Christopher Brosius 's " In the Library " product line makes your home and body smell just like that .

  4. 根据市场对咸蛋黄香精的要求,运用美拉德反应技术和调香师的调香技术调配出适合市场需要的咸蛋黄香精,并详细叙述了咸蛋黄香精的不同应用及生产中的操作要点。

    According to the market demand for the salted egg yolk flavor , apply the Maillard reaction and perfumery technology to blend a salted egg yolk flavor which can meet the market damand , they also recount different applications and the crop production in details .