
cái chǎn bǎo xiǎn dān
  • policy of property insurance
  1. 论财产保险单的转让与保险利益原则

    Transfer of Insurance Policy and the Principle of Insurable Interest

  2. 建议阅读家庭财产和汽车保险单中的附属细则。

    You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies .

  3. 保险财产指在本保险单明细表中列明的财产及费用。

    The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the schedule of this policy .

  4. 详细说明您的财产损失,并逐项列明财产、金额或附上一份详细说明的清单或估价。保险财产指在本保险单明细表中列明的财产及费用。

    Itemize your property damage and , for each item , state the amount or attach an itemized bill or estimate . The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy .