
  • 网络the Ministry of Finance;finance ministry;MOF
  1. 如果日本财务省果真下令日本央行(bankofjapan)出售日元,这不会是因为日元强劲到了无法接受的地步。

    If the Ministry of finance does order the Bank of Japan to sell yen , it would not be because it is unacceptably strong .

  2. 交易员们猜测,负责汇率决策的财务省将指示日本央行(bankofjapan)抛售日元,以遏制其升势。

    Traders speculated that the Ministry of finance which makes decisions on the currency would instruct the Bank of Japan to sell yen in order to stem its rise .

  3. 日本央行(bankofjapan)会不会在日本财务省(ministryoffinance)的命令下作出类似举动,遏制日元的升值?

    Would the Bank of Japan , under orders from the Ministry of finance , respond in kind to limit gains in the yen ?

  4. 但原因似乎是,日本央行(bankofjapan)不愿采取如此极端的措施,财务省也不敢强行自作主张。

    But the explanation seems to be that the Bank of Japan did not wish to take such drastic measures and the Ministry of finance did not dare to force the point .

  5. 这三个条件全部满足后,财务省或许才能在g7会议上有理有据地替自己辩护。

    With all three conditions satisfied , the MOF may feel able to justify itself before the G7 .

  6. 据路透社(reuters)报道,日本财务省表示,尽管预计政府不会进行市场干预,但政府正谨慎关注汇率波动。

    The finance ministry said it was watching currency moves carefully , according to Reuters , although the government is not expected to intervene in the market .

  7. 作为g7成员国,日本则在干预汇市的力度上受到更多限制,日本财务省只得采取突然行动、在短时间内抛售大量日元。

    As a member of the G7 , Tokyo is more restricted in the extent to which is can intervene , forcing the finance ministry to sell yen in short and sharp bursts .

  8. 如今,外汇干预将引发受衰退打击的贸易伙伴国的强烈抗议,因此尽管佳能(canon)董事长和本田(honda)前总裁公开要求进行干预,但日本财务省一直置身于市场之外。

    Intervention now would draw howls of protest from recession-hit trading partners , and the finance ministry has stayed out of the market in spite of open pleas from the chairman of Canon and the former president of Honda .

  9. 前日本财务省财务官神原英资(EisukeSakakibara)上周曾预计美元不久将跌至兑85日圆。

    Former Ministry of Finance official Eisuke Sakakibara said last week the dollar could to retreat to85 yen at some point in the near future .

  10. 然而,对于财务省而言,目前日元波动过大。

    The yen is , however , overly volatile for the Ministry .

  11. 自2010年底以来,日本央行在财务省的指令下已4次抛售日元。

    The BoJ has sold the currency four times since late 2010 , under orders from the finance ministry .

  12. 与此同时,日本财务省就汇率干预问题促成了一项罕见的国际共识,帮助稳定了日元。

    The Ministry of Finance , meanwhile , brokered a rare international consensus on currency intervention , helping to steady the yen .

  13. 同时也意味着财务省和日银根本没有打算在2004年停止干预市场。

    This suggests that the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan have no intentions of curbing their intervention activities in 2004 .

  14. 财务省既未披露买进和卖出的货币种类,也未说明实施行动的具体日期。

    The MOF data did not specify which currencies were bought and sold , nor the date on which the action took place .

  15. 她表示,如果日元突破75日元兑1美元的“关键临界值”,财务省可能会再次干预汇市。

    She said the Ministry might want to intervene again if the yen broke the " critical threshold " of y75 to the dollar .

  16. 日本的一名官员说,这些言论使日本财务省难以做到让经济合作独立于政治影响之外。

    The comments ' really raised the hurdle ' for the Finance Ministry to keep financial cooperation separate from politics , a Japanese official said .

  17. 在财务省内部,黑田东彦以倡导积极的刺激举措而著称,与较为谨慎的同事不同。

    Within the ministry , Mr. Kuroda was known as an advocate of aggressive stimulus measures , something that set him apart from more cautious colleagues .

  18. 财务省公布的另一组数据则显示,经季节性调整后,7月份出口商品的价值下降了1.3%。

    The value of goods exported fell a seasonally adjusted 1.3 per cent , ac-cording to a different data series published by the Ministry of finance .

  19. 安住淳强调,目前还没有做出任何决定。同时日本财务省拒绝证实日本投资中国债券的可能规模。

    Mr Azumi stressed that no decision had been made and the finance ministry declined to confirm the possible size of any Japanese investment in Chinese bonds .

  20. 债券经纪商表示,他们要求与财务省举行特别会议,以表达对政治僵局的担忧并讨论可能的应急方案。

    Bond dealers said they had requested the special meeting with the Ministry of finance to express their concerns about the stand-off and discuss possible contingency plans .

  21. 通常出手吝啬的财务省,可能因此要准备慷慨解囊了,好“买到”可观的增长,让增税计划得以实施。

    The normally parsimonious finance ministry may thus be prepared to loosen the purse strings to " buy " sufficient growth to get the tax increase implemented .

  22. 他表示,日本目前40%的企业所得税率偏高,财务省正在讨论如何降低这一税率。

    At 40 per cent , Japan 's corporate tax rate was high , he said , adding that his ministry was discussing how this could be cut .

  23. 他是日本财务省次官,虽然这是个非常有实权的位子,但一般来说,身居此位的人并不能对美国总统竞选产生多大影响。

    He is vice-minister in Japan 's Ministry of Finance-a very powerful position , but not one that usually gives its holder much influence over the US presidential race .

  24. 日本财务省周四表示,3月份日本录得九个月来最窄贸易逆差,得益于对美出口大幅增加。

    The finance ministry on Thursday said that Japan posted its narrowest trade deficit for nine months in March , helped by a big rise in shipments to the US .

  25. 日本财务省公布的数据还显示,由于原材料和燃料价格上涨,日本企业的经常性利润连续第二个季度较前一年同期下降。

    The finance ministry also released figures indicating that Japanese companies ' recurring profits declined year on year for the second consecutive quarter because of higher raw material and fuel costs .

  26. 这位官员还表示,财务省必须证明它在财政巩固方面取得进展,以缓解金融市场的担心,并将国债利率保持在目前的低水平上。

    The finance ministry also says it must demonstrate it is making progress on fiscal consolidation to reassure financial markets and keep interest rates on government debt at current low levels .

  27. 一名财务省的高级官员今年2月参加完了七国集团峰会之后,他的耳边还回响起(与会人士)对希腊的担心,以及进一步,对日本的债务状况也表示忧虑。

    One senior bureaucrat in the finance ministry returned from a G7 meeting in Canada in February , his ears ringing with worries about Greece & and , by extension , Japan .

  28. 然而,财务省官僚和其他一些方面反对这一提议,部分原因是担心,若该基金遭受亏损,可能引发公众不满。

    However , finance ministry bureaucrats and others are opposed to the idea , in part on fears that there could be a public backlash if the fund should make a loss .

  29. 日本财务省表示,1月份还是海外债务净出售方的本地居民,在始于2月15日的一周内购买了超过1万亿日元的外国债券。

    Net sellers of overseas debt in January , locals bought more than a trillion yen of foreign bonds in the week starting February 15 , according to the Ministry of finance .

  30. 美国和日本政府都是亚行的主要资金捐助国,但日本财务省素来掌握着对该行高层职位的最大控制权,包括亚行行长的任命。

    Washington is the leading financial contributor to the ADB alongside Tokyo but the Japanese finance ministry has traditionally had the biggest grip on the top jobs , including the appointment of the ADB President .