
  1. 今年,经认定的动漫企业不仅可以成为国家财政文化产业发展专项基金的扶持重点,还可享受税收扶持政策。

    This year , identified by the animation business can become not only the development of cultural industries in the state finance a special fund to support focused , but also enjoy tax policies .

  2. 财政支持公益文化设施的现状、问题及对策

    Research on Supporting Countermeasures of Public Finance for Construction of Public Cultural Facilities

  3. 第四章,国外财政支持公共文化发展的经验借鉴。

    Chapter four , foreign experiences .

  4. 中央财政加大对文化惠民工程的支持,各地对公益性文化事业投入显著增加。

    The central government increased financial support for cultural programs that benefit the people , and local governments significantly increased spending on nonprofit cultural programs .

  5. 在绿色生产、绿色营销成为现代企业发展趋势之时,乡镇企业却面临着组织性、技术性、财政收入和文化特征四个方面的障碍。

    Now no-pollution production and marketing have become an objective trend for enterprises ′ development , while township enterprises are facing obstacles of organization , technology , finance revenue and culture in no-pollution production and marketing .

  6. 一是主要论述了30年代初新桂系统治下的桂林概况,分六部分:政治建设、经济建设、交通建设、商业和对外贸易、财政金融、文化建设。

    First it describes Guilin 's situation under the control of New Gui Military Group in 1930s , including the political construction , the economic construction , communication construction , business and trade , finance and cultural construction .

  7. 二是加大财政投入和农村文化基础设施建设。

    The second is the financial investment and rural cultural infrastructure construction .

  8. 自治机关有自主地管理本地方财政、经济、文化、教育事业的自治权利。

    Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial , economic , cultural and educational affairs .

  9. 然而,促进农村信贷发展的方式不应局限于担保一种,还需要包括其他金融财政、法律、文化等手段。

    However , the ways to promote the rural credit should not be limited to the guarantee ; it also needs financial , legal , and cultural means .

  10. 其中,作为政府调控文化产业的重要手段,公共财政的扶持在文化产业的发展中起着越来越重要的作用。

    Among them , as the important means of government regulation of the cultural industry , public financial support in the development of cultural industry plays a more and more important role .

  11. 本文研究的文化事业,是指通过政府的财政资金兴办的文化活动的全部,非营利性的、从事文化研究创作、文化产品生产和文化公共服务的文化活动。

    This paper focuses on the non-profit cultural undertakings , which is defined as all cultural activities set up by the government , including non-profit cultural activities , public cultural production and public cultural services .

  12. 分析财政支持介入公共文化发展的理论依据,并对财政支持在公共文化发展中的功能定位和效应进行了分析;第三章,我国财政支持公共文化发展的现状及存在的问题。

    Analyzing the theoretical basis , function , effect for financial support involved in the development of public culture . Chapter three , the current situation and issues in the financial support for promoting the development of public culture in China .

  13. 《民族区域自治法》规定的大部分自治权的内容都属于行政自治权的范畴,其内容涉及到了公共事务、经济管理、财政税收、教育文化、医疗卫生、体育文化等各个方面。

    The major content of " Law on Regional National Autonomy " belongs to the administrative autonomy category . Its content involves public affairs , management and economy , fiscal levy , education culture , health , sports culture and so on .

  14. 其中,财税政策理论是这部分的重点,依次从文化产品特性及财税支持,文化产业财政扶持的社会效用分析,税收对文化产业的影响,财政介入文化建设的现实依据进行了分析。

    Wherein , fiscal and taxation policy intervention theory is that portion of the key , turn from the cultural characteristics and financial support , cultural industry financial support for social utility analysis , tax on culture industry influence , financial intervention culture construction of reality basis undertook an analysis .