
  • 网络payroll finance
  1. 乡镇一直存在债务负担,原来的吃饭财政已经逐渐变成讨饭财政。

    The township always has debt burden , and the original " dinner finance " has gradually become a " begging financial " .

  2. 但是在武汉市由吃饭财政向公共财政转变的过程中,武汉市当前的财政支出结构一些急需改进的问题也显现出来了。

    However , from " eating the financial " changes to the public finances in Wuhan City , the current structure of fiscal expenditure need to improve the apparent problem .

  3. 本来就是吃饭财政、赤字财政的县级财政对普通高中教育经费投入的能力大打折扣,无力承担普通高中教育经费主要承担者这一角色。

    These reforms have given a great discount to general high school educational ability of fund input . The countries are unable to bear this role of main undertaker of education funds of general high school any more .

  4. 改革开放之后,随着放权让利和分灶吃饭财政体制的推行,地方政府有了自己的行为空间、行为能力、行为权利和行为动机,成为相对独立的行为和利益主体。

    After reform and opening up , with the decentralization and division eating style , local governments have their own space of actions , capacity , rights and motivation to become relatively independent of the main actors and interests .

  5. 黑龙江省地方财力薄弱,吃饭财政、土地财政、石油财政问题依然存在,因此可争取税收激励政策试点,调增共享税分成比例等。

    Heilongjiang Province has fragile local financial , such as " ate meal the finance "," land financial " and " oil financial " problems , so fighting for the tax incentive policies pilot and adjusting by sharing tax sharing ratio is indispensable .

  6. 但目前各地方政府的财力并不是很富裕,多数处于“吃饭”财政状况,所以,财政预算很难安排充足的资金用于经济建设。

    But at present , local governments'financial resource certainly are not very wealthy , most are on the " eat meal " level . Therefore , only limited fiscal budget is available for economic development .

  7. 与分灶吃饭的国家财政体制相适应,义务教育实行地方负责,分级管理的财政体制。

    Adapting to the country finance system of that time , compulsory education carries out the finance system of " local controlled - , administration classified " .