
  1. 这两类责任价值范式的复合建构及其转向是现代社会人们履行道德义务的深层动机。

    The two kinds of responsibility value which have been both complexly constructed and transformed are the deep motive which a person fulfills his or her obligations in modern society .

  2. 平等与责任的三种范式及其理论困境

    Three Paradigms and Their Theoretical Predicament of Equality and Responsibility

  3. 在封闭社会,人们的责任价值是以“唯我范式”为特征的“现实性责任价值”与“理想性责任价值”范式的复合建构。

    In a closed society , people 's responsibility value , taking " only self normal form " as characteristic , is a complex construct of normal form of " reality responsibility value " and " ideal responsibility value " .