
zé rèn
  • responsibility;liability;obligation;duty;fault;blame;job;onus;guilt;mantle;responsibility for a fault or wrong
责任 [zé rèn]
  • (1) [duty;responsibility]∶应尽的义务;分内应做的事

  • 校长的责任

  • (2) [blame]∶应承担的过失

  • 推卸责任

责任[zé rèn]
  1. 把这事报告给警方是我的责任。

    It is my duty to report it to the police .

  2. 这故事讲的是典型的爱情与责任之间的矛盾。

    The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty .

  3. 你一定不会以为出了这事是我的责任吧?

    Surely you don 't think I was responsible for this ?

  4. 她对雇员有很强的责任感。

    She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees .

  5. 我不愿意承担新的责任。

    I don 't feel ready to take on new responsibilities .

  6. 我指责他逃避做父亲的责任。

    I taxed him with avoiding his responsibility as a parent .

  7. 他们有责任确保制度的执行。

    They have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced .

  8. 她在试图逃避应为自己的行为承担的所有责任。

    She is trying to evade all responsibility for her behaviour .

  9. 我没想到过让你承担责任。

    I couldn 't think of letting you take the blame .

  10. 法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。

    The court assumed responsibility for the girl 's welfare .

  11. 叛乱者对屠杀400名平民负有责任。

    The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians .

  12. 你必须承担这次危机的一部分责任。

    You must accept a portion of the blame for this crisis .

  13. 如果有人该承担责任,那就是我。

    If anyone 's to blame , it 's me .

  14. 政府至少在道义上有责任回应这些问题。

    Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions .

  15. 新职位赋予她重大的责任。

    The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility .

  16. 我们有道义责任保护环境。

    We have a moral obligation to protect the environment .

  17. 他们有责任确保制度的执行。

    It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced .

  18. 政府将不得不对骚乱承担责任。

    The government will have to take the blame for the riots .

  19. 我认为业主没有提醒我们是有责任的。

    I think the owners are at fault for not warning us .

  20. 在这件事上我们没有一个人是完全没有责任的。

    None of us is entirely blameless in this matter .

  21. 我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。

    I think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries .

  22. 银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。

    The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake .

  23. 这事你一点责任也没有。

    This does not attach any blame to you .

  24. 他对这次事故只负有部分责任。

    He was only partly responsible for the accident .

  25. 她对这些威胁毫不在乎而不予理会,似乎很不负责任。

    Her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible .

  26. 你同意了这份合同,所以现在你不能追究他人的责任了。

    You agreed to the contract , so now you have no comeback .

  27. 各部长必须对所作的决定承担责任。

    Ministers must be made answerable for their decisions .

  28. 你必须对造成的任何损失负赔偿责任。

    You will be liable for any damage caused .

  29. 议论的焦点是她是否应对自己的行为负责任。

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions .

  30. 你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?

    Who do you consider responsible for the accident ?