
  1. 论金融创新与货币政策创新

    On Financial Innovation and Monetary Policy Innovation

  2. 资本市场发展、增长机制变革与货币政策体系创新

    Capital Market Development , Growth Mechanism Transform and Monetary Policy System Innovation

  3. 马克思对货币银行理论的创新&古典货币数量说批判

    MONEY HISTORICAL New Ideas of Monetary and Banking Theory Brought forth by Marx

  4. 电子货币正是金融创新的一大重要的成果。

    Electronic money is the production of financial innovation .

  5. 货币主义被金融创新淹没。

    Monetarism was overwhelmed by financial innovations .

  6. 网络银行、电子货币是现代金融创新与科技创新有机结合的产物,也是二十世纪金融发展的最新体现。

    As result of network technology development and financial innovation , Internet Banking is sign of new type financial organization .

  7. 博尔顿在货币生产中的创新促生了新式硬币,使得在他那个时代泛滥的假币得以减少。

    Boulton 's innovations in currency production gave birth to the modern coin , reducing the counterfeiting that was rampant in his day .

  8. 随着诸如电子货币之类的金融创新使得世界经济力量越来越难以被拒之门外,北京深知其不能逆潮流而动。

    With financial innovations digital currencies , for example making it ever harder to shut out world economic forces , Beijing knows it can 't swim against the tide .

  9. 然后,结合欧洲货币一体化的实践,文章重点分析欧元模式对国际货币制度的创新之处。

    Then with the practice of European monetary integration , the paper fazes on the innovation of Euro pattern to international monetary system .

  10. 从盯住一篮子非美元货币(特别是欧元),到哈佛大学(harvard)杰弗里弗兰克尔(jeffreyfrankel)所提倡的盯住大宗商品货币等创新方案,寻求增强国内和国际稳定的改革者有大量方案可以选择。

    From basket pegs involving currencies other than the dollar , especially the euro , to innovative solutions such as the commodity peg advocated by Jeffrey Frankel of Harvard , there is a large menu of options to choose from for reformers looking to strengthen domestic and world stability .