
  • 网络Currency Overlay;currency overlay management
  1. 货币管理外包(Currencyoverlay)指的是将全球投资组合中的货币风险外包给专门的机构。

    Currency overlay is the outsourcing of currency risk in a portfolio of global investments to a specialist firm .

  2. 目前有两种类型的货币管理外包被动型和积极型。

    Two types of currency overlay exist passive and active .

  3. 但他表示,货币管理外包属于预期性产品,因此投资组合的规模要足够大,才能让风险与创造和经营的成本相适应。

    However , he says overlays are bespoke products and as such require substantial portfolios to make the risk justify the cost of creating and running them .