
  • 网络Monetary Accommodation;money financing;monetary financing
  1. 此外,由于货币融通政策的推出,遗留亏损的融资可以以较低的成本完成。

    Moreover , the funding of legacy losses can be done on the cheap because of monetary accommodation .

  2. 农村金融,泛指农村领域内的一切货币资金融通活动。

    Rural finance , generally refers to all circulations of money in rural areas .

  3. 从其运动过程来看,它是以偿还为条件的价值运动的特殊形式;从其属性来看,商业银行的信贷活动表现为货币资金的融通。

    We could conclude that it is a typical value movement on the condition of money repaying from its operation , and it is also the currency collecting and lending about commercial banks from its attribute .

  4. 农村金融是指农村货币资金的融通以及与此有关的各种经济活动的总称,主要为农业生产和农民生活提供资金保障,在农村经济发展中占有重要地位。

    The rural finance is a general name of the accommodation of monetary fund and all kinds of correlative economic activities in rural area . It provides funds for agricultural production and peasant life . It features prominently in the development of the rural economy .