
  • 网络non-neutrality of money
  1. 根据货币非中性约束条件,货币量变动通过对相对价格体系的影响而影响产出与就业。

    According to the conditions of the non-neutrality of money constraint , the changes in money supply influence production and employment by effects on the system of relative prices .

  2. 本论文主要从理论方面对货币量变动影响实质经济的问题(货币非中性问题)进行研究。

    This paper focuses on the theoretical dimension of the fact that the change in money supply influences real economy , i.e. of the non-neutrality of money issues .

  3. 货币非中性与我国货币政策有效性研究

    Currency Non-Neutrality and the Research of Chinese Monetary Policy Validity

  4. 事实上,货币非中性论更接近真理,正是货币非中性论构成了货币政策有效性的理论前提之一,为中央银行金融宏观调控提供了理论基础。

    In fact ," view of non-neutral nature " is close to the truth , which makes up one of the theory premises of monetary policy effectiveness , offering a theoretical base for the central bank to make macro-regulation over finance .

  5. 中国古代的货币政策非中性思想

    Non - neutral Thoughts of Monetary Policy in Ancient China

  6. “货币短期非中性”是货币在低于充分就业经济水平上的有效性。

    The " monetary short-term non-neutrality " is the effectiveness when money is under the economic level of full-employment .

  7. 这同时也说明货币政策非中性,货币政策的变化通过影响到通货膨胀的变化来改变实际收益率和投资等实际经济活动。

    At the same time , it also shows that non-neutral monetary policy , monetary policy affects inflation through changes in the changes to change the real rate of return and actual investment of economic activity .

  8. 文章认为货币中性或非中性的判断有一个中性→非中性→中性的演化过程,这一过程一般与货币自身功能的强弱演变相关,而后者又在很大程度上取决于货币形态结构的变化。

    By this means , the article presents that the criterion of neutral ( or non neutral ) of the currency is varied with the process from neutrality to non neutrality , then to non neutrality which is determined by the change of currency formation structure .

  9. 将在经济中进行经济决策的三组代理人分为居民户、企业和政府,并利用这个模型分析了在充分就业条件下的货币中性以及在低于充分就业条件下的货币非中性。

    In the model , the three groups of decision-makers are households , firms , and the government .

  10. 第二部分对货币政策的利率传导机制进行了理论分析,首先主要论述了货币中性问题,在综合分析大多数理论界的观点后,更倾向于认为,在实际经济中,货币是非中性的。

    In the second chapter , mainly remember the dominating theory of transmission mechanism of monetary policy , and discuss the neutrality of money ;