
  • 网络quality of goods
  1. 美国法中的货物品质明示担保制度研究

    Express Warranty of the Quality of Goods in the United States

  2. 主要介绍了美国货物品质明示担保制度的基本概念和历史发展。

    This part mainly discussed the basic concept and historical development of the express warranty system of the quality of goods under American law .

  3. 当然,UCC中的货物品质担保制度也存在漏洞,如依赖与交易基础的关系问题、商销性默示担保中关于货物的质量标准问题等。

    Of course , there are some leaks in the system of quality warranty , like the relationship between reliance and basis of bargain , quality standard of goods in the implied warranty , and so on .

  4. 货物品质优良说明它价格高得有理。

    The best quality of the goods justifies its high cost .

  5. 如果货物品质不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。

    If goods is not well make you shall complain to the manufacturer .

  6. 我想听听贵方对这次货物品质问题的解释。

    I want to have your opinion on the quality problem of the goods .

  7. 货物品质未达标准。

    The goods are not up to par .

  8. 通过对品质标准概念的综述,关于国际贸易货物品质标准目前尚无统一的定义及分类。

    There is no uniform definition and classification for the quality standards of international trade goods .

  9. 只证明货物品质符合某项文件的规定。

    We hereby certify teat the quality of the goods is in conformity with the contract No.

  10. 我方很遗憾地知悉,贵方收到的货物品质与你们的希望不符。

    We regret to hear that the goods you received are not of the quality expected .

  11. 货物品质担保制度是货物买卖法的重要组成部分。

    The warranty system is one important component of the legal system on the sale of goods .

  12. 本批货物品质与合同规定的不符。

    The quality of this lot of goods does not comply with that stipulated in the contract .

  13. 但是,相对于货物品质担保制度的贡献而言,这些问题确实是瑕不掩玉了。

    Compared with the contribution of the quality warranty system , these problems are really minor and unimportant .

  14. 主要从美国的司法实践出发,介绍了美国现行的货物品质明示担保法律制度。

    Starting from the legal practice in the United States , this part introduced the current warranty legal system under American law .

  15. 货物品质异议期限与诉讼时效的法律辨析&兼评《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》第39、44条

    On The Limitation Period On Demurrer to the Defective Goods and the Time Limits of Action & On The Article 39,44 of CISG

  16. 货物品质异议期限和诉讼时效是两个既相似又有区别的法律概念,但在各法律制度中,立法者一般都注意到这二者之间的协调。

    The limitation period on demurrer to the defective goods and the time limits of action are two significant legal concepts in practice .

  17. 在介绍美国现行的货物品质明示担保制度时,摒弃了一般的理论介绍,引用和分析了大量案例。

    While discussing the express warranty system of the American law , this paper put away the general theoretical introduction , and cited and analyzed many cases .

  18. 本文试图从《公约》统一解释和适用的角度出发,以这四种方法阐释《公约》中卖方对货物品质的担保、根本违约和因不能控制的障碍而免责等一些重要法律问题。

    The thesis tries to interpret the quality warranty by seller , fundamental breach and the impediment beyond control by these methods from uniform interpretation and application perspective .

  19. 电导率法简单、快速,并应用于聚酯生产行业进货质量检验以及乙二醇货运行业的装运前货物品质验证。

    The electric conductivity method was simple and rapid . It can be applied to polyester production industry purchasing quality inspection and commodity quality verification before loading in ethylene glycol transport trade .

  20. 基本控制污染物排放总量,使干流水质达到功能区标准,支流水质明显改善;货物品质未达标准。

    Basically control the total amount of pollutant discharge , so as to equal the water quality of the main stream to the standard of functional regions and significantly improve the water quality of tributaries ;

  21. 笔者认为,现行的美国货物品质明示担保制度主要存在明示担保成立标准缺乏确定性和买卖双方利益保护不平衡这两大问题。

    The authors believes that the there are two problems of the current express warranty legal system under the American law , firstly the lack of certainty on the formation standard , secondly the imbalance on the protection of buyer and seller .

  22. 货物品质明示担保制度,作为最基本的货物品质担保制度,是每一项商业交易都要涉及的部分,关于品质担保的争议,是货物买卖纠纷的主要起因之一。

    Express warranty , as one of the fundamental component of quality warranty system on the sale of goods , relates to various kinds of business transactions . Disputes on the quality warranty are the main types of disputes on the sale of goods .

  23. 此外,检验机构或公证机构所出具的关于货物品质、重量、数量方面的证明文件,在一定程度上可以减轻提单在贸易关系中的压力,使承运人及其代理人从贸易关系中解脱出来。

    In addition , the documents on quality , weight , quantity issued by the inspection organizations and notary organs will also be helpful to relieve the pressure on the bill of lading in the trading relationships , and free the carriers and their agents from the trading relationships .

  24. 货物的品质标准是商品使用价值的重要体现。

    Goods quality standards are important manifestation of goods use value .

  25. 检查所收货物的品质。

    Inspects perishable food items received for quality control .

  26. 我们保证货物的品质与样品大体相同。

    We guarantee the quality of the goods to be about equal to the sample .

  27. 所定货物的品质必须与我方样品完全一致。

    The quality of the order must be exactly the same as that of our sample .

  28. 我们发现货物的品质差。

    We found the goods inferior .

  29. 我方将尽全力来维持我方货物的品质,以达到贵方的特别要求。我方诚意地希望如果这次订单的执行结果令贵方满意,不久贵方会下进一步的订单给我方。

    We will do our best to maintain the good quality of our products , and will make the best effort to meet your special requirements . We sincerely hope that you will place further orders with us very soon if the execution of this order proves satisfactory to you .

  30. 国际货物买卖中品质担保的责任

    The Liability Arising From Quality Warranty On the International Sales Of Goods