
zhì xún quán
  • right to address questions
  1. 股东查阅权和质询权的界限

    The Bounds of the Consult Rights and Inquiry Rights of the Shareholders

  2. 股东质询权法律制度研究

    The Research of Legal System on the Shareholders Interpellation Rights

  3. 对股东质询权若干问题的思考

    A Discussion on Some Problems Involved in the Shareholders ' Inquiry Right

  4. 第二章:质询权法律规制的现状及成因。

    Chapter two discusses the status and causes of legal regulation of Interpellation power .

  5. 论上市公司股东的质询权及其行使

    On the shareholders ' right to address inquiries

  6. 这种表态,释放出人大将加强监督的信号,质询权的沉睡将被激活。

    This declaration releases signals that NPC will strengthen supervision . Interpellation power will be activated .

  7. 本章介绍了质询权的概念、特征、功能及其宪政分析等。

    This chapter describes the question right concept and characteristic , function and its constitutional analysis .

  8. 关于股东质询权性质的思考

    Comments on Shareholder 's Inquiry Right

  9. 论股份公司股东质询权

    On Stockholder 's Inquiry Right

  10. 股东质询权法理基础的研究关系着公司法整个制度的构建。

    The legal principle of the shareholders ' inquiry right relates to the construction of the whole system .

  11. 我国股东质询权制度的构建应当体现权利本位的价值趋向和品格。

    The construction of the shareholders ' inquiry right system should embody the value trend and characteristics of power standard .

  12. 社会公众至少应对国有资本运营享有知情与质询权,以及公益诉讼权。

    The public at least enjoy the right to know and question , as well as public interest litigation right .

  13. 全文共分三章,各章的内容如下:第一章:质询权的法理解读。

    The Paper is divided into three chapters . Chapter one is about the interpretation of the law theory in Interpellation power .

  14. 分别针对结构体系、查阅权、质询权、司法救济这几个方面存在的一些缺陷提出了几点建议。

    Respectively for the structural system , inspection right , inquiry right , judicial relief , and propose some suggestions to the defects .

  15. 股东质询权法律制度的构建与完善应以质询权之定性为前提。

    The legal system of shareholder 's inquiry right should be constructed and improved on the basis of determining the nature of inquiry right .

  16. 股东质询权是现代公司股东知情权实现的重要手段之一,侧重于股东积极主动地寻求公司信息。

    As one of important methods to realize the shareholders'right to know in modern company , the shareholders'inquiry right focuses on seek information actively .

  17. 希望通过本文的阅读能够引发读者对股东质询权法律制度的关注并对这方面的研究做出更大的贡献。

    I hope through the reading of this article can lead readers to shareholders ' inquiry right legal system and make a greater contribution to research in this area .

  18. 我国公司法上的股东质询权在行使方式、程序以及侵害后的救济方面存在着重大缺陷,应在斟酌各国立法成果的基础上在未来公司法修改中予以完善。

    There is a lot of deficiency in its mode process and redress of our legal company system , accordingly we should consummate this system based on legislation of the other countries in the future .

  19. 从既有认识并结合日本、德国等国的先进立法经验来看,股东质询权应是一种单独的、法定的、具有辅助性的共益权。

    Based on the existing knowledge , this paper combined with advanced legislation experience in Japan and Germany and considered that shareholders ' right to address inquiries is a separate , statutory and common benefit right .

  20. 股东质询权应当是股东的固有权,以此为出发点可以发现,德国法以来形成的股东质询权制度并非完美。

    The inquiry right should be the innate right of shareholders . From this perspective , it can be found that the system of the shareholders ' inquiry right which dates back to the introduction of German Law is not perfect .

  21. 第三部分通过介绍国外有关质询权的相关规定,通过研究质询权制度在域外的立法体制和成功的立法经验,为我国质询权制度的借鉴提供宝贵经验。

    The third part through the introduction of foreign the right of the relevant provisions of extraterritorial legislative system and the legislative experience of success through the research inquiry right system in providing valuable experience , learn the right system for our question .

  22. 股东质询权与股东查询复制权一样是股东知情权的重要组成部分,但股东行使质询权的目的并不仅限于知悉公司内部信息,还有直接监督公司经营之目的。

    Shareholder 's consult right and duplication right are important parts of shareholder 's information rights , shareholder 's inquiry right can allow shareholder not only to know the inside information of the company but also to supervise the management of the company .

  23. 审判阶段因为有控诉、辩护、审判三方的共同参与,辩护律师在此阶段的获得通知权、辩论权、提出证据权、质询权、司法文书获取权基本上能得到保障。

    At the stage of trial the lawyer 's rights such as acquiring notices , arguing , proposing evidence , inquiring and acquiring judicial documents could be ensured basically as a result of the common participation of the defence , the procuratorial authority and the court .

  24. 我国《公司法》第110条、第176条规定了股东对公司的相关查阅权和质询权,但公司法并未明确规定股东行使其权利的时间、地点、期间、内容、程序等。

    According to article 110 and 176 of the Company Law , shareholders have the consult rights and inquiry rights to the company , but these provisions don 't set the time , place , period , content and procedure for the shareholders to exert their rights .

  25. 质询权是我国宪法和法律赋予各级国家权力机关的一项重要职权,暗含有对国家机关及其工作人员工作失误的纠察和责问,是一种刚性的带有一点弹劾性质的监督方法。

    Interpellation power is an important right of all levels of organ of state power given by the Chinese Constitution and law . It implies picketing and blame on the mistakes of the government agencies and their staff , which is a rigid monitoring methods with a bit of impeachment .

  26. 对质作为一项十分重要而又必不可少的诉讼活动,既有利于查明案件事实真相,又涉及当事人的一种基本权利即对质询问权。

    Confrontation is conducive to ascertain the facts of cases , but also one of the basic rights of the parties involved in the confrontation right to ask .