
  • 网络commercial paper
  1. 依照国际贸易票据流转规则,我国加入WTO后,在TRIMS和TRIPS协定下的国际贸易中,票据安全流通将更加困难。

    In accordance with the regulations for the circulation of bills in international trade , a secure circulation of bills will become more difficult within the frame of TRIMS and TRIPS after China ′ s entrance to the WTO .

  2. 此类无保护的公债可能包括贷款、贸易融资票据以及双边信贷。

    This unprotected debt can include loans , trade finance papers and bilateral credits .

  3. 优惠贸易地区票据交换所3.交换:用一种帮助或恩惠换取另外一种。

    Exchange : trading one favor for another .

  4. 甲方不得利用与关联方之间的虚假合同,以无实际贸易背景的应收票据、应收账款等债权到银行贴现或质押,套取银行资金或授信。

    Party A shall not use the false contract entered with interested party and discount on or pledge claims such as notes recievable or accounts receivable to cheat the Bank of capital or credit .