
  • 网络Fermi energy
  1. 对FeSiB非晶和晶态合金的研究表明:两者的动量分布差异甚小,但费米能略有不同。

    The study on amorphous and crystalline Fe-Si-B alloys indicates that momentum distributions are almost the same , while there is a small difference on Fermi energy .

  2. 而且发现考虑Dresselhaus自旋轨道耦合,当势垒中局域态的能量和铁磁电极中费米能相匹配时,系统中会发生TMR的倒置现象。

    Due to the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling effect , the tunneling magnetoresistance inversion occurs when the energy of a localized state in the barrier matches the Fermi energy of the ferromagnetic electrodes . 4 .

  3. N型金属氧化物泊松方程的解和费米能及Ef的变化范围Ⅰ泊松方程解

    The solution of n-type metal oxide crystals Poisson equation ⅰ the solution of Poisson equation

  4. 本文对Anderson最近提出的RVB态高Tc超导机理做了进一步研究,提出了准热粒子激发的概念,给出为赝费米能的关系式。

    In this paper , a further study on high Tc superconducting mechanism in RVB state recently proposed by Anderson is made , The concept of exci-tions of quasi thermal particles is proposed and formula of pseudo-Fermi energy is obtained .

  5. 讨论了利用XANES谱研究凝聚态物质费米能附近空态电子结构的要点,给出了XANES谱多次散射计算的概要。

    Some relevant aspects of using XANES spectrum to probe the electronic structure of unoccupied states near Fermi level have been discussed . An outline of multiple scattering calculation for XANES has been given .

  6. 用自由电子气模型对自由电子气(费米能为5eV)的冲击压缩雨贡纽曲线、冲击温度进行了数值计算。

    The Shock compression curve ( Hugoniot curve ) and shock temperature of a free-electron gas with a Fermi energy of 5 eV was calculated and evaluated numerically by a free-electron gas model .

  7. 无序度和温度对一维无序体系费米能的影响

    Effects of disorder and temperature on Fermi-energy of one-dimensional disordered systems

  8. 从本征分布和抛物线函致可以算出电子的动量分布信息和估测费米能。

    Electron momentum distribution and Fermi energy can be calculated .

  9. 费米能区重离子碰撞动力学(Ⅰ)动力学的能量关系

    Heavy ion collision dynamics in Fermi domain (ⅰ) dynamics dependence of energy

  10. 在任何载流子密度条件下,辐射强度与准费米能级差的关系保持不变。

    At all carrier densities , the relation between emission intensity and difference of the quasi Fermi energies is maintained .

  11. 并根据其实验数据,计算出了碳纳米管膜中的费米能和电子浓度等参数。

    In addition , the parameters such as Femi energy and electron concentration in the CNT films have been calculated .

  12. 体系中成分不同区域的费米能级差导致电子从费米能级高的区域流向费米能级低的区域,正是费米能级差构成了镁合金电化学腐蚀的电动势。

    It is just the difference of fermi levels that forms the electrodynamic force of the electrochemical corrosion in magnesium alloys .

  13. 辐射强度由存在准费米能级差的体积的吸收率决定。

    The emission intensity is given by the absorptance of the volume in which there is a difference of the quasi Fermi energies .

  14. 锯齿状石墨烯纳米条带是半导体,费米能附近有两个能量简并的边缘电子态,分别被自旋向上通道和自旋向下通道所占据。

    Zigzag edge graphene nano-ribbon is semiconductor with two degenerate electronic edge states near the Fermi level occupied by different spin channel each other .

  15. 结果表明:无序体系的费米能随无序度的增大而减小,并且非对角无序对体系费米能的影响很大,考虑非对角无序时,体系的费米能大大降低;

    The results show that the Fermi-energy decreases with increasing the degree of disorder , and the off-diagonal disorder has great effect on the Fermi-energy .

  16. 体系费米能附近态密度峰的变化是影响贮氢合金性能的主要因素;

    The results show that the variation of density of state near E f is the main reason which influences the properties of the hydrogen storage alloys .

  17. 空穴是半导体和绝缘体中的一种带电体,其能量小于费米能,并且参与导电。讹科费米原子能电站

    Hole is an charged electronic entity in semiconductors and insulators which have energies less than the Fermi level and participate in the electric conduction . enrico fermi atomic power plant

  18. 计算发现,掺氟后三种碳纳米管的费米能的绝对值都降低了,费米能级上的态密度却增大了,说明氟掺杂后的碳纳米管比纯碳纳米管更有利于场发射。

    Results indicate that the absolute value of Fermi energy decreases for three kinds of CNTs doped with fluorine in the the form of replacement , which is beneficial for field emission .

  19. 当金属费米能在共聚物能隙中间时,此时器件的电荷通道关于费米面对称而自旋通道不对称。

    If the Fermi energy of electrode lies in the middle of the gap of co-oligomer , the charge channels are symmetric about the Fermi energy while the spin channels are asymmetric .

  20. 结果发现,内外环的相互作用导致从内环到外管环的电荷转移,费米能被提升,以及某个磁通范围内能带重叠。

    It is found that the tube-ring interactions lead to a charge transfer from the inner ring to the outer TCN , and thus the Fermi level rises and the band overlaps in a certain flux range .

  21. 讹科费米原子能电站原子力发电厂构造物

    Enrico fermi atomic power plant nuclear energy structures

  22. 讹科费米原子能电站他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。

    Enrico fermi atomic power plant He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences .

  23. 双势阱中超冷极性原子气体的动力学研究讹科费米原子能电站

    Dynamics of an Ultracold Dipolar Atom Gas in a Double Well enrico fermi atomic power plant

  24. 含外规范场和动力学费米子自能的狄拉克算符及费米子凝聚讹科费米原子能电站

    Fermion condensate and Dirac operator determinant with external gauge fields and dynamical fermion self energy enrico fermi atomic power plant

  25. 计算结果表明:电场不能改变Au4团簇的几何构型,随着电场的增加,电离势和电子亲和势增加,而费米能级和能隙减小。

    It is shown that the Au_4 cluster do not undergo significant geometrical changes in the high field . The electron affinities and the ionization potentials increase with the intensity of the extra field , while the Fermi levels and the energy gaps decrease .

  26. 在此基础上,我们讨论了简并费米气体的能隙及集体激发。

    Based on it , we study the energy gap and the collective excited modes of the degenerate Fermi gases .

  27. 掺杂引起碳纳米管费米能级附近能态密度的变化及功函数的降低是其具有优异场致电子发射性能的主要原因。

    The changes in the density of states near the Fermi level and in the work function are responsible for the differences in field emission properties of these films .

  28. 故认为在费米能量以上能区直至150MeV/u,原子核阻止是提取介质中核子-核子碰撞截面的一个新的物理观测量。

    From this investigation , we propose that nuclear stopping can be used as a new probe to extract information on the isospin dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions .

  29. 掺杂使得离子键和共价键强度降低,在费米能级附近的能隙变小,从而提高材料电导率,降低材料热导率,优化了材料的热电性能。

    After doping , the ionic and covalent bonds become weaker , and the gap near Fermi level decreases .

  30. 电子比热容在研究超导物理问题时是非常重要的,通过它我们可以了解电子的行为,并且可以用来判断与费米面相交叉的能带数目。

    Electronic specific heat at superconducting state is very important to know the electronic behaviors , predicate the bands number which crossover the Fermi surface .