
  • 网络capitalist economic crisis
  1. 随后到来的资本主义经济危机,加剧了社会、经济和文化的冲突。

    The subsequent arrival capitalist economic crisis has worsened the social , economic and cultural level of conflict .

  2. 1929&1949年,苏州刺绣深受世界资本主义经济危机、日本侵华战争和国内长期内战的沉重打击,濒于崩溃。

    From 1929 to 1949 , with the destruction of the world capitalist economic crisis and the wars , Suzhou embroidery was at the brink of collapse .

  3. 八十年代资本主义经济危机与周期的特点

    On capitalist economic crises & periodicity in 1980 's

  4. 因此,可以说金融危机已经成为当代资本主义经济危机的表现形式。

    Therefore , we can say that the financial crisis of contemporary capitalism has become the manifestation of the economic crisis .

  5. 并在此基础上进行了深层次分析,做出了国际金融危机是资本主义经济危机在新的国际条件下的表现的论断。

    Then the author makes judgment that international finance crisis is the expression of capitalist economy crisis in the new international condition .

  6. 随着国际上社会主义苏联的兴起和资本主义经济危机的爆发,走社会主义道路,建立社会主义新中国是人心所向。

    With the rise of the socialist Soviet union and the capitalist economic crisis in the word , taking the socialist road and building a new socialist China is the avowed feelings of the people .

  7. 20世纪30年代前半期,受1929-1933年资本主义经济危机的影响,近代慢性农业危机在当时特殊的社会经济环境下,急剧演化为空前的农业大萧条。

    In the early 1930 's , the slow agricultural crisis of modern times rapidly changed into an unprecedented agricultural depression affected by the 1929-1933 capitalist economic crisis and the special economic and social environment at that time .

  8. 最早对金融风险有着深刻理论认识的是马克思关于资本主义经济危机的学说,他认为金融危机实际上就是金融风险的集中表现,是资本主义内在矛盾的必然产物。

    Marx firstly presented the deep theoretical exposition to financial risk in his doctrine of capitalism economic crisis . He held the financial crisis to be practically the concentrated indication of financial risks , and the inevitable result caused by the intrinsic contradictory of capitalism .

  9. 在资本主义世界经济危机史上,1929年的经济危机具有特殊的地位。

    In the capitalism world economics crisis history , 1929 economic crisis had the special status .

  10. 新桂系时期城市居民生活水平的这些特点是与历史地理因素、新桂系的统治政策、战争因素、西方列强的经济侵略和资本主义世界经济危机有关的。

    The period of New Gui characteristics of the urban residents ' living standards are affected by many factors . Such as the history and geography factors , New Gui rule policy , the factors of war , the Western powers , economic aggression and the capitalist world economic crisis-related .

  11. 资本主义国家发生经济危机,是很自然的事情。

    It is natural that economic crises should arise in capitalist countries .

  12. 马克思认为只要资本主义存在,经济危机就不可避免。

    Marx believed that as long as capitalism exists , the economic crisis is inevitable .

  13. 资本主义世界的经济危机

    The economic crisis in the capitalistic world

  14. 资本主义为了对付经济危机,不得不经常改革具体制度、调整政策。

    However , Capitalism has to reform concrete institutions and adjust policies now and then for economic crisis .

  15. 当代资本主义在消除经济危机和缓和阶级斗争的过程中,建立了比较完善的社会保障体系,基本满足了人们的生存需要。

    Second , distribute based on demand will satisfy the initial demand-surviving condition . During the conflict period between eliminate financial crisis and ease class struggle , establish relative perfect welfare system .

  16. 19世纪末20世纪初资本主义国家在经济危机的打击下步履维艰,资产阶级统治岌岌可危,帝国主义崩溃论盛行一时,两次世界大战相继爆发。

    The late 19th century early 20th century , the capitalist countries hit by the economic crisis in very difficult , precarious rule of the bourgeoisie and imperialism on the prevalence of the collapse of a time , two world wars broke out one after another .

  17. 当代资本主义不仅不能摆脱经济危机,而且使经济危机与金融危机交织在一起,特别是出现了滞涨局面,因此使经济危机越来越复杂。

    Present age capitalism not only cannot get rid of the economic crisis , moreover causes the economic crisis and the financial crisis interweaves in the same place , specially appeared has stagnated rises the aspect , therefore made the economic crisis to be getting more and more complex .

  18. 在资本主义经济制度走过的一百多年历史中,资本主义经济危机也从没停止过它的脚步。

    In the capitalist economic system . the capitalist economic crisis has never stopped in its footsteps through the hundred years of history .

  19. 马克思主义经济危机理论的本质,是从资本主义经济作为一种历史地存在的生产方式的内在矛盾出发,将资本主义经济危机确认为一种具有特殊社会原因的经济现象。

    Essentially , Marxist economic crisis theory identifies capitalist economic crisis as an economic phenomenon with unique social origins , based on the fact that capitalist is an existing production mode and has its own inner contradictions .