
zī běn zēnɡ zhí shuì
  • capital appreciation
  1. 他通过短期交易逃避资本增值税。

    He avoided the capital gains tax by short selling .

  2. 外国投资者将可免交资本增值税。

    Foreign investors will be exempt from paying taxes on capital gains ( CGT ) .

  3. 我们会削减商业资产的资本增值税,创建一个比美国更好的企业家团体。

    We will cut the Capital Gains Tax rate on business assets , creating a regime for entrepreneurs that will be more favorable to enterprise than that of the US .

  4. 过高的个人所得税边际税率,以及所得税与资本增值税的巨大差异,促使他们把过多时间耗费在把普通收入转变为资本增值的问题上。

    High marginal rates on individuals along with a substantial capital gains differential encourages them to devote a disproportionate amount of their time that could be used more productively to the problem of converting ordinary income into capital gains .