
  1. 在此基础上,通过SWOT分析,提出了大型水电建筑企业的总体发展战略,并对水电建筑企业的市场发展战略、资本运营战略、品牌战略、体制创新战略及科技创新战略进行了详细的研究。

    On this basis , it used the SWOT analysis , the future general development strategy of large-scale hydropower construction enterprises was draw up . A detailed study of market development strategies , capital operation strategies , brand strategy , institutional strategy , technology innovation strategy .

  2. 我国上市公司外扩型资本运营战略研究

    Strategical Research on Expanding Capital Operation of Listed Companies in China

  3. 运用资本运营战略激活国有企业的思考

    The Using of the Capital Operations Strategies to Motivate Chinese Enterprises

  4. 发电集团公司合作竞争博弈与资本运营战略

    Coopetition Game of Generate Electricity Corporation and Its Capital Operation Strategy

  5. 论交通行业上市公司资本运营战略

    Studies of the Capital Strategies of Listed Companies in the Transportation Industry

  6. 培养新时代资本运营战略型企业家;

    Training strategic capital operation enterprisers of the new time ;

  7. 株洲601企业集团公司资本运营战略研究

    The Capital Operation Strategy Research of ZhuZhou 601 Enterprise Group

  8. 竞争合作格局下的发电集团公司资本运营战略研究

    Research of Capital Operation Strategy of Generate Electricity Corporation under the Coopetition Background

  9. 我国上市公司资本运营战略选择与实施

    The Choices and Operations of Capital Operation Strategy to the Listed Companies of Our Country

  10. 我国保险业资本运营战略定位与基本路径选择

    The Strategic Orientation and Choice of Basic Ways of Insurance Industry Capital Operation in China

  11. 关于企业资本运营战略的思考

    Considerations on enterprise capital operation strategy

  12. 而在战略实施方面,通过采用打造城市会展品牌、实施整体营销和资本运营战略、开发利用人力资源来实现长沙市会展业发展的战略目标。

    The city brand strategy , co-exist marketing strategy , capital operation strategy , exploring and using strategy will help to realize the target .

  13. 最后,论文探讨了建立合作关系的相关问题以及资本运营战略中对必要合作的制约措施。

    Finally , the paper discusses the establishment cooperation relations related questions as well as the essential cooperation restriction measure in the capital operation strategy .

  14. 第三章,对浙江华立集团发展战略进行实证分析,深入探讨华立集团的多元化发展战略、技术创新战略以及资本运营战略和人力资源战略;

    Chapter three thoroughly probes development strategies of Zhejiang Holley Group , which include multi-line operation , technological innovation , capital operation and human resource .

  15. 简单阐述其市场营销战略、产品T型发展战略、资本运营战略、企业文化建设战略、人才战略等。

    Relates briefly its marketing strategy , " T-type " developing of products , capital operation strategy , enterprise identity strategy and human resource strategy etc ;

  16. 高速公路经营公司资本运营战略是经营公司经营管理的重要组成部分,本文研究旨在为高速公路经营公司实施资本运营提供一定的理论与实务依据,以推进企业经营管理的科学化与高效化。

    The freeway management company capital running strategy is a important part of management . This paper provides fixed theory and practice basis for management company capital running to facilitating the scientific and high efficiency of management .

  17. 再次,在剖析了高速公路经营公司生命周期的基础上,将其划分为不同的发展阶段,根据各个阶段的不同特征制定了相应的资本运营战略,并进一步对战略的实施进行了探讨;

    Thirdly , on the basis of analyzing life of the freeway management company , and dividing into development stages different , This paper works out fixed capital running strategy for different development stages and expounds strategy actualizing minutely .

  18. 同时,结合集团公司的特点和性质,在先进的流程经营管理架构下分别选择和实施财务战略联盟和资本运营战略。

    Meanwhile , considering the quality and the characteristic of the enterprises and groups , we should select and implement the alliance of financial stratagem and the stratagem of capital operation-management under the advanced flow and the frame of operation-management respectively .

  19. 本文通过战略环境、战略方向、战略方案、战略实施的分析与研究,确定了以产融结合、品牌输出为重点的资本运营战略是使企业实现可持续发展的必要保证。

    By studying strategic environment , strategic direction , strategic scheme , strategy implementation , we have confirmed that Integration of industry and Finance strategy and the capital operation strategy of brand outputing are the essential assurance of making enterprises sustainable development .

  20. 由此思路,进一步导出煤炭企业集团发展煤炭物流产业的战略选择为供应链管理思想、资源获取战略、平台支撑战略、资本运营战略、网络拓展战略及双化并行战略。

    According to that , it can export coal logistics industry strategy choosing of coal company which is supply chain management thinking , resource gain strategy , platform supported strategy , capital working strategy , network expanding strategy and the parallel strategy of standardization and informationization .

  21. 企业资本运营的战略机遇和措施

    Strategic Opportunity and Measures Taken in Enterprise 's Capital Running

  22. 第四章,我国上市公司资本运营的战略定位、战略选择与实施。

    The fourth part researches the location , the choice and performing in the listed company capital operation .

  23. 资本运营的战略模式从理论上说主要分两种,一种是内部管理型战略模式,另一种是外部扩张型战略模式。

    Theoretically speaking , there are two strategy patterns of capital running : one is the managing strategy pattern interior , and the other is the exterior expanding strategy pattern .

  24. 实施资本运营与组建战略联盟发展战略。

    Carrying out the Capital-operations and organizing strategy alliance .

  25. 即要实施技术创新,调整可持续发展、资本运营和人才战略来保证发展目标得以实现。

    The main ideas are to enforce technologic innovations , and to adjust strategies of durative developments , capital operation and personnel , which ensure the development aim reality .

  26. 然后,论文运用企业管理的相关理论知识和原理对特许经营模式下高速公路管理公司的核心竞争力、组织结构、资本运营、多元化战略等方面作了相关阐述。

    Then , employing relevant theories on business management , the article elaborates the core competitive power , the structure design , capital operation and diversification strategy of highway franchise company .

  27. 小水电企业价值评估对于企业所有者、企业管理者正确分析自身企业和相关目标企业的价值和发展前景,做出并购、出让等有关资本运营的重大战略决策具有十分重要的意义。

    Small-scale hydropower business valuation for business owners , business managers analyze their business and the correct value of the business-related goals and prospects for development , make acquisitions , capital transfer and other operations on major strategic decisions of great significance .

  28. 资本运营通过对不同战略实施不同的资本运营模式来实施对战略的支撑。

    The financing supports strategy management by implementing different model of financing according to different strategies .

  29. 在市场经济条件下,资本运营是企业经营战略的根本性变革,而资本运营的关键是对资本运营模式的战略性选择,使资本得到迅速扩张、有效积聚和最优配置。

    In a market economy , capital operation is a radical change of management strategies in enterprises . The key of capital operation is the strategic choice of the mode of capital operation .

  30. 利用资本市场,实施资本运营战略,探讨了汽车企业如何运用资本市场,进行低成本扩张,优化资源配置以及如何在重组浪潮中运用好企业的资源问题。

    In the third strategy , some questions have been answered about how to operate the capital flow , how to optimize the resources and to expand with lower cost , and how to utilize the resources in the tide of the reestablish .