
  1. 国有企业资本运营风险的关键因素分析及对策研究

    The Study of Key Factors and Countermeasure of Capital Operation Risk of State-owned Enterprise

  2. 给出了资本运营风险的定义,分析了资本运营风险的基本特征,在对资本运营风险分类的基础上分析了形成不同运营风险的原因。

    This paper defines the capital operation risk , analyses the basic characteristics of the capital operation risk . The causes of different types of capital operation risk are analyzed based on its classifications .

  3. 图书出版产业无论是作为经济产业,还是作为政治、文化、宣传的阵地,都具有十分重要的地位,为保证该产业健康、快速、稳定的发展,必须对该领域的资本运营进行风险规避。

    Thus , the risks of the capital operation in this field must be evaded , so that the development of the important industry can be healthy and steady .

  4. 然而,由于种种原因,民营企业尚未树立足够的资本运营的风险防范意识,并且缺乏有效地抵御风险的能力。

    However , for various reasons , private enterprises have yet to establish sufficient awareness of prevention of risk capital operations , and the lack of effective ability to resist risks .

  5. 然后就科技园建设的难点、热点问题,如战略治理、组织模式治理、资本运营和风险防控治理及创新等进行了深入阐述和研究。

    And then it analyzes and studies the hottest as well as the hardest terms in building the Park , such as Strategy Governing Policy , Organization Pattern Governing , Capital Operation , Risk Prevention and Innovation .

  6. 企业资本运营中的风险管理

    The Risk Management in Company 's Capital Operation

  7. 在中国企业国际化的进程中,一系列传统的政策和管理体制还在制约着中国企业对外投融资的发展,中国企业本身的制度问题和竞争能力,也使中国企业的跨国资本运营充满了风险。

    The internationalization of Chinese enterprise is still in very elementary stage , a series of traditional policies and management system are also restricted to the development of foreign investing and financing in China .

  8. 本文研究的重点是利用了委托&代理理论对风险资本运营的道德风险、投资管理人与风险企业家之间的合谋进行分析,并提出了规避风险的方法。

    It is the focus of study that we make use of Agency theory to analyze the Moral hazard and conspiracy risk between the entrepreneur and investment administrator and put forward the method of evading risks .

  9. 中国石油企业资本运营国际化模式及其风险研究

    Research on Capital Operation Internationalization 's Risk and Mode of the Chinese Petroleum Enterprise

  10. 然而,任何领域的资本运营都是具有风险的,图书出版产业也绝不例外。

    However , the capital operation in any field all has risk , and the books publishing industry is no exception .

  11. 企业要重视对资本运营环境中有利和不利因素的分析,选择正确的资本运营策略,加强对资本运营中风险的管理。

    Enterprises should focus on analysis of advantageous and disadvantageous factors involved in capital operating circumstance ; select appropriate strategies and strengthen risk management .