
  1. 我们应该多花点时间和资金规划灾害防御的体系及建立可以抵御灾害的设施。

    We should take extra time and spend extra money to build disaster safety into our lives .

  2. 在盈利效果分析过程中,主要编制了工程投资估算,制定了资金规划与计划,编制了基本财务报表,进行了不确定性分析,最后提出预测结论。

    In the the earnings effect analysis process , mainly the preparation of the project investment estimate , develop a funding plan and plan , and the preparation of the basic financial statements , uncertainty analysis , Finally predict conclusion .

  3. 学科建设内涵是其本身不可替代的内容,主要包括学科规划(学科方向规划、学科水平规划、师资队伍规划、建设资金规划),学科点建设,高水平学科建设。

    Subject Construction connotations of its own irreplaceable content , including academic planning ( disciplines direction planning , the level of academic planning , teachers planning , construction , financial planning ), the subject at the building , the building of high-level disciplines .

  4. 为有效进行财务公司资产负债结构调整效率效果预测,以商业银行行为方式模型为基础,对相关参数做出调整,设计了动态资金运营规划模型。

    Based on the behavior models of the commercial banks , a dynamic model for capital operation plans has been developed .

  5. 因此,本文针对服务与组织、管理、资金、规划等相关支持体系从宏观、中观和微观层面对上海城市公园更新与提升提出了对策和建议。

    Therefore , the article puts forward countermeasures and suggestion from the macro , meso and micro level in the angle of organization , management , funding and planning .

  6. 通过进一步的分析发现城市公园在空间、资源、休闲设施和活动等方面出现的问题的根源来自服务、管理、资金、规划等相关支持体系当中。

    Further analysis found that the root causes of the problems is related to the aspects of services , management , funding , planning and other related support systems .

  7. 部分医院特别是二级医院在资金预算、规划等方面需要加强。

    But , In the field of funds at the budget , planning needs to be strengthened . 2 .

  8. 一种可用于资金分配的线性规划模型

    A Sort of Linear Programming Model for Allocation of Funds

  9. 最后,要对资金做合理的规划。

    Finally , the funds to do reasonable planning .

  10. 他们的问题不是缺乏资金,而是缺乏规划。

    Their problem is not a lack of funding , but rather a lack of planning .

  11. 介绍恭城县生态农业的发展概况,分析恭城县生态农业旅游开发的现状,认为目前恭城县生态农业旅游发展过程中存在旅游资金短缺,一些规划项目难以实施;旅游专业人才缺乏,旅游管理水平低;

    The current situation of eco-agriculture and eco-agriculture tourism in Gongcheng County , Guilin , Guangxi is introduced .

  12. 并对实现战略目标所需的资金筹措进行了规划,介绍了实现战略后的社会经济效果。

    The paper has planed the fund required for realizing strategy goal and introduced social and economic effect after the strategy has been realized .

  13. 作为组委会高级顾问,我们能给组委会提供节省资金和时间的规划方法。

    Serving as a senior consultant could provide the Committee with planning tools that could save it money and time in the development of the project .

  14. 家庭智能化系统集结了家居生活中的各子系统,从而对能源支出和资金调节进行统筹规划,实现生活方式优化,为用户创造了更高的生活质量。

    Assembled with the subsystems of the home life , home Intelligence system overall planning energy expenditure and capital adjustment to achieve lifestyle optimization and create a better living quality for clients .

  15. 城市轨道交通在快速发展的同时,面临着建设资金短缺、交通规划与土地利用规划不协调等问题。

    As the rapid development of Urban Rapid Rail Transit ( URRT ), it faced questions with the shortage of funds , the uncoordinated Transportation planning and land-use planning and so on .

  16. 教育现代化建设初期,客观条件、自身意识、资金投入、整体规划等诸多原因大大限制了这方面工作的深入展开,没有形成一个整体建设格局,教育资源的交流与共享工作做的相对较少。

    Although , the early stages of modernization in education , there are objective conditions , self-awareness , capital investment , overall planning and many other reasons greatly limit the deep-going work in this area .

  17. 以一个刀具移动的柔性制造系统为背景,研究了在刀具购买资金预算下如何规划任务所需刀具中每种规格的刀具数量问题,其目标就是最小化任务的在制时间。

    Based on a tool movement FMS , this paper considers the problem of determining the number of copies of each tool type for a limited budget of tool purchasing with the objective of minimizing makespan .

  18. 从资金的角度合理规划项目的开发步骤、流程,既量入为出,严格、科学控制资金使用,达到资金使用的最大效率;

    From the development step , process of the angle reasonable programming item of the funds , since " within our means ", strict , science control funds use , attaining the funds usage of the biggest value price ;

  19. 注:此表投资统计口径含包干内项目直接费、政策性资金、派生资金以及规划调整新增资金。

    Note : The statistics of investment in this table include planned funds , adjusted funds , input funds and derived funds .

  20. 为提高财务公司日归集资金的使用效率,设计了静态资金运营规划模型,可用之对日归集资金的调配、使用的效率效果进行预测;

    For improving the utilization efficiency of the daily accumulated capital , a static model has been programmed for rational allocation of the capital and for prediction of the efficiency and effectiveness of the capital utilization of the financial company of a corporation .