
zhào zhōu qiáo
  • The Zhaozhou Bridge
赵州桥 [zhào zhōu qiáo]
  • [Zhaozhou Bridge] 中国河北赵县浇河上的一座石拱桥。是世界现存最早的大型石拱桥。(591-599)年间由李春主持建成。桥长50.82米,桥面宽约10米,主拱跨径37.02米,拱圈矢高7.23米。拱圈由28条并列石条组成,上设四个小孔。又名安济桥

赵州桥[zhào zhōu qiáo]
  1. 关于赵州桥的建造,有很多美丽的传说。

    There are many beautiful legends about the construction of Zhaozhou Bridge .

  2. 赵州桥的承载能力分析

    The carrying capacity of Zhaozhou stone arch bridge

  3. 赵州桥新探

    New Exploration of Ancient Bridge in Zhao Zhou

  4. 永通桥与赵州桥并称“姊妹桥”,有异曲同工之妙;

    Yong-Zhaozhou Bridge and the bridge and said " sister bridge ", there are similar ;

  5. 赵州桥对我国桥梁建筑影响深远。

    Zhaozhou Bridge has a deep influence on the construction of Bridge in our country .

  6. 赵州桥油田高含硫稠油集输工艺技术

    The Gathering and Transferring Technology for Heavy Oil Containing High Sulfur at Zhaozhou Bridge Oil Field

  7. 赵州桥最大的科学贡献就是它“敞肩拱”的创举。

    The greatest scientific contribution of Zhaozhou Bridge is its pioneering work of " open spandrel . "

  8. 名闻遐迩的赵州桥是世界历史上最辉煌的土木工程范例之一。

    The well known Zhaozhou Bridge is one of the most brilliant examples of civil engineering in the history of the world .

  9. 本文计算了一个集中活荷载(98.1kN)通过赵州桥时拱圈最小厚度和拱厚安全度的变化。

    A calculation is made in this paper for the minimum thickness limit of the Zhaozhou Arch Bridge and its safety factors under a concentrated live load of98.1KN .

  10. 这就有力地保证了赵州桥在1400年的历史中,经受住了多次洪水冲击,8次大地震摇撼,以及车辆重压,仍挺立在汶河之上。

    Therefore , though l , 400 years has passed , having undergone many floods , eight earthquakes , and heavy traffic , it is still standing firm over the Jiaohe River .

  11. 世界闻名的赵州桥建于1300多年前的隋代,但其确切年代现尚无定论。

    The world-famous Zhaozhou Bridge was constructed in the Sui Dynasty , more than 1300 years ago , but no final conclusion has yet been reached on the exact time of its construction .

  12. 赵州桥结构脯,造型美观,全长50.82米,宽9.6米,跨度为37.37米,是一座由28道独立拱券组成的单孔弧形大桥。

    Zhaozhou Bridge has a novel structure meters and beautiful shape . It is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide , with a Span of 37.37 meter . It is a one arch bridge consisting of 28 independent arches .

  13. 赵州桥,又名安济桥,坐落在石家庄东南45千米赵县城南汶河之上,因桥体全部用石料建成,当地俗称大石桥。

    Zhaozhou Bridge is also called Anji Bridge . It is on the Jiaohe River to the south of Zhaoxian County town , 45 kilometers southeast of Shijiazhuang , Hebei Province . Because lhe whole bridge was made of stone materials , it was called Big Stone Bridge by the local people .