
chāo shēnɡ sù
  • supersonic speed
超声速 [chāo shēng sù]
  • [supersonic velocity] 流体中超过音速的速度

  1. 超声速冲压发动机隔离段内流场分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of Supersonic Speed Ramjet Isolator Inner Flow Fields

  2. 故此,英勇的小羊从南极的大气层以超声速飞来,并用一个综合的光电策略观纠正了他们。

    So the heroic lamb flies from the atmosp # # # Antarctic at a supersonic speed , who then corrects them with a photoelectric lactic synthetically .

  3. 超声速绕凹角流动的压力分裂形式简化N-S方程数值解

    Numerical Solution of Supersonic Flows over the Compression Corners Using the Pressure-Splitting Form Reduced Navier-Stokes Equations

  4. 超声速X形鸭翼-弹身组合体涡迹发展涂层弹身雷达散射截面的计算

    Vortex development on cruciform canard configurations at supersonic speeds RCS computation of the coated missile body

  5. 具有H2引燃的CH4、煤油超声速混合的三维数值研究

    Numerical Studies on the Mixing of CH_4 and Kerosene Injected Into a Supersonic Flow With H_2 Pilot Injection

  6. 所采用的超声速流场分区推进求解和空间推进求解技术使得优化过程在单个CPU上能快速完成。

    The whole optimization procedure can carry out in a single CPU cell using the region marching method .

  7. 超声速翼-身组合体Euler方程数值解

    Euler Solution for Wing-body Combination at Supersonic Speeds

  8. 最后应用Matlab仿真验证,仿真结果表明,在一般的超声速状态下(马赫数小于4.5),该算法是收敛的。

    Through the Matlab simulating experiments , the research result indicates that the arithmetic is convergent when the mach number is less than 4.5 .

  9. 本文利用计算流体力学商用软件FLUENT对超声速条件下的栅格翼三维绕流流场进行了数值模拟。

    In this paper , the FLUENT software is used to simulate the slipstream flow field of the grid fin .

  10. 数据采集与处理作为H高超声速风洞气动力试验的关键环节之一,直接影响到后期数据分析的效率和武器选型和正确性。

    Data acquisition and processing is one of important part of the aerodynamic test in wind tunnel , because it affects the efficiency and veracity of data analysis and weapon design .

  11. 介绍三维进气道和超声速燃烧冲压式喷气发动机(SCRAMJET)模型一项实验研究的结果。

    Results of an experimental study of 3D inlets and the scramjet module are presented .

  12. 基于NPLS技术的超声速流动密度场测量方法研究

    Study of density field measurement based on NPLS technique in supersonic flow

  13. 1.2m跨超声速风洞超扩段栅指控制系统

    The Choke finger control system of 1.2m × 1.2m trans-supersonic wind tunnel

  14. SFD方法模拟高超声速进气道中激波与边界层干扰

    SFD method simulation on interactions of shock waves with boundary layers in the hypersonic inlet

  15. 用法福尔质量加权平均N-S方程及两方程湍流模型求解三维超声速平板湍流边界层流动;

    The mass-weight averaging N-S equations are adopted as the governing equations of flow , and a two-equation turbulent model is employed .

  16. 为研究超临界CO2流体的超声速特性,设计了单探头脉冲回波法的声速测量探头,频率2.5MHz。

    To study the characterization of ultrasonic velocity in supercritical fluid CO2 , a measuring detector of ultrasonic velocity based on a pulse-echo method with a single transducer operating at 2.5 MHz has been designed .

  17. 本文通过有限差分计算求解了NS方程,对超声速二维平板边界层的非线性稳定性问题进行了模拟。

    In ths paper , the non-linear stability of a two-dimensional supersonic boundary layer over a fist plate is studied numerically by solving Navier-Stokes equations with a finite difference method .

  18. 超声速流体Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性速度梯度效应研究

    Velocity gradient in Kelvin-Helmholtz instability for supersonic fluid

  19. 用H-S波前传感器测量穿过超声速流场的激光像差特性

    Wavefront measurement of laser beam traversing a supersonic flow with H-S wavefront sensor

  20. 为研究超声速两相流混合机理,采用大涡模拟(LES)方法数值仿真了超声速混合层内液滴两相流流场结构。

    The two-phase compressible mixing layer with droplets was calculated by large eddy simulation ( LES ) for studying the mixing law of supersonic two-phase flow .

  21. 在超声速占主导的区域采用空间推进求解PNS方程的方法求解,在回流和亚声速占主导的区域采用时间迭代求解完全NS方程的方法求解。

    In the supersonic flow dominated region , flow field is solved by space marching algorithms and in the reverse and subsonic flow dominated region time iterating method is used .

  22. 采用超声速火焰喷涂技术制备了镍基涂层,利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪等对涂层结构和性能进行了观察和分析,并与电镀涂层进行了对比。

    The Nickel-based coating is prepared by HVAF ( High Velocity Air Fuel ) flame spray . The structure and properties of coating are observed and analysed by means of Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction , and compared to electroplated layer .

  23. 以轴对称的热化学非平衡N-S方程为控制方程,采用双温度11组元反应气体模型,数值求解高超声速热化学非平衡流场。

    Taking symmetric full Navier-Stokes equations as governing equations , using two temperature and 11 species reacting air model , the hypersonic thermochemical nonequilibrium flow is simulated numerically .

  24. 利用Fluent软件I、SAT算法与由CARM(ComputerAssistedReductionMethod)简化而来的11组分、7步反应的乙烯简化机理对碳氢燃料/空气的超声速燃烧问题进行数值模拟。

    The simulation of ethylene / air supersonic combustion is carried out by using Fluent software , ISAT and a reduced ethylene reaction mechanism of 11 species , 7 steps which is reduced by CARM ( Computer Assisted Reduction Method ) .

  25. 在灰尘负荷率相同,微粒速度相近条件下完成激波管2e区实验气流分别为亚声速与超声速的实验。

    The experiments with same dusty loading rate and with close particle velocities were performed at both subsonic and supersonic flowfield , respectively .

  26. 利用OH-PLIF技术显示超声速燃烧的火焰结构

    Reveal the Flame Structure of Supersonic Combustion Using OH-PLIF Technology

  27. 提高分级精度,增加产量,缩小产品的粒度分布范围是CP系列超声速超微气流粉碎分级机一直以来面临的问题。

    For a long time , CP series of supersonic superfine air flow milling and grading machinery have faced up to such problems as improve high grading precision , increase output and reduce range of particle distribute .

  28. 本文用隐式有限体积法求解轴对称NS方程,在PVM平台下数值模拟超声速底部流场,根据底压分布计算出了底压系数。

    This paper uses an implicit finite volume method to solve axisymmetric N S equations to simulate supersonic base flow fields numerically in the PVM platform . Base pressure coefficients are calculated by a base pressure distribution .

  29. 以二维圆柱Ar气体超声速绕流算例,验证了数值算法的有效性,比较分析了漫反射和镜面反射两种气体分子壁面反射模型的计算结果。

    A two-dimensional supersonic Ar-gas flow around a cylinder is computed to show the effectivity of algorithm . Moreover , numerical results of two wall reflection models of gas molecules , namely diffuse reflection model and specular reflection model , are compared and analyzed .

  30. 采用数值模拟的手段,对压力恢复系统超声速扩散段三维流场进行研究。数值模拟使用LU分解法和NND差分格式求解全Navier-Stokes方程,并加入了湍流模型。

    This report presents the time-depended fully implicit LU algorithm , which was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with NND difference scheme in numerical simulation to the flowfields of supersonic diffuser in the pressure recovery system .