
  1. Twitter页面上的每个元素都支持其核心功能,它提供了跟贴者、最新更新、我的消息等相关信息,以及基本的Twitter信息。

    Everything on the Twitter page supports the core functions ; it gives out information about the followers , recent updates , my messages , and basic Twitter information .

  2. 申请个人文集,请在这里跟贴!

    Want a personal corpus ? Please reply to this post !

  3. 如果有任何疑问请于贴主联系,或者跟贴回复。

    Any questions , please PM the original poster or reply the topics .

  4. 有问题欢迎来电或跟贴询问,谢谢。

    If there is any question please don 't hesitate to ask , Thanks .

  5. 即日起,所有关于中文学习的广告可在此跟贴。

    From now on , any ads that relate to Chinese learning can be posted here .

  6. 只有那些在推特中跟贴的人群中那些看到了大部分持不同意见的人才会重新考虑然后检验一下少数一方的观点。

    Only those who see a large number of dissenting opinions among the people they follow on Twitter will reconsider and examine the opposing viewpoint .