
kuà ɡuó fàn zuì
  • transnational criminality
  1. 据Plançon说,为了打击参与造假的经验丰富的跨国犯罪网络,跨国合作是必不可少的。

    Transnational cooperation is essential to tackle sophisticated , transnational criminal networks involved in counterfeiting , Plan ç on says .

  2. 代理部长比尔斯因为G6部长级会议加入到美国司法部长霍尔德当中,就移民、反恐、网络安全、预防及打击跨国犯罪问题与他们的欧洲同行部长们讨论共同的目标及跨大西洋的工作。

    Acting Secretary Beers joined U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for the G6 Ministerial Meeting , discussing with their European counterpart ministers shared goals and trans-Atlantic efforts related to migration , counterterrorism , cybersecurity , and preventing and combating transnational crime .

  3. 跨国犯罪及其罪犯的引渡问题探析

    A Probe into Transnational Crimes and the Extradition of the Criminals

  4. 对付跨国犯罪战略问题特设专家组会议

    Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Strategies to Deal with Transnational Crime

  5. 打击跨国犯罪的更有效国际合作行式特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Expert Group on More Effective Forms of International Cooperation against Transnational Crime

  6. 经济全球化与跨国犯罪的防治对策

    Economic Globalization and the Countermeasures of International Crimes

  7. 论跨国犯罪的侦查对策

    On the Investigative Strategies against Transnational Crimes

  8. 有组织跨国犯罪问题世界部长级会议

    World Ministerial Conference on Organized Transnational Crime

  9. 洗钱罪是一种典型的跨国犯罪。

    It is a typical international crime .

  10. 中亚跨国犯罪浅析

    Analysis of Transnational Crimes in Central Asia

  11. 跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科

    Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Sectio

  12. 拟定一项打击有组织跨国犯罪国际公约问题非正式会议

    Informal meeting on the question of the elaboration of an international convention against organized transnational crime

  13. 跨国犯罪问题资源委员会

    Resource Committee on Transnational Crime

  14. 墨西哥必须打破有罪不罚、让跨国犯罪组织继续运作的恶性循环。

    He said Mexico must break the vicious cycle of impunity that allows transnational criminal organizations to operate .

  15. 有组织犯罪集团实行跨国犯罪就是跨国有组织犯罪集团。

    If the organized criminal group involves in a multinational crime , then it becomes the multinational gangland organization .

  16. 然而,快速的经济发展和中国东盟两地之间特殊的地理位置,也带来了一系列的跨国犯罪问题。

    But the rapid economic development and the special geographical location have also brought a series of serious transnational criminal activities .

  17. 一个快节奏的跨国犯罪和诈骗的故事,风格独特,文笔华丽。

    A captivating , engrossing debut , * a fast-paced tale of international crime and skullduggery written with style and panache .

  18. 由于美国是一个由移民组成的国家,有组织跨国犯罪问题较为突出。

    As the United States is a country consisting of immigrants , there have been serious organized and cross - border crimes .

  19. 引渡制度作为打击跨国犯罪的一种重要手段,在对抗国际恐怖主义方面发挥了极其重要的作用。

    However , extradition as an important means , plays a special role in cracking down cross-border crimes and fighting against international terrorism .

  20. 智能卡诈骗犯罪,是全球经济犯罪的全新类型,更是有组织跨国犯罪团伙关注的焦点。

    Intelligent card swindling crime is a new global economic crime and also the focus which is concerned by organized transnational criminal gangs .

  21. 我们也应加强在反恐、打击跨国犯罪、海上安全、抢险救灾等领域的合作,共同应对跨国问题。

    We should also step up cooperation on cross-border issues concerning counter-terrorism , transnational crimes , maritime security , rescue operation and disaster relief .

  22. 海事安全:增强海事安全以及领海感知能力对于打击太平洋地区的海盗、非法捕鱼以及跨国犯罪至关重要。

    Maritime Security : Enhancing maritime security and maritime domain awareness is critical to combating piracy , illegal fishing , and transnational crime in the Pacific .

  23. 布伦南表示,跨国犯罪威胁世界经济,因为罪犯们通过进入市场、破坏合法竞争与市场完整性而损害并扭曲了金融系统。

    Brennan said transnational crime threatens the world economy because criminals damage and distort financial systems by entering markets and undermining legitimate competition and market integrity .

  24. 其次解释打击跨国犯罪的国际合作手段,并举出两个跨国共同打击犯罪的模式案例来说明。

    Secondly , points out the international cooperation means to attack transnational crime , giving two transnational cases of fighting the crime together simultaneously out proves .

  25. 应对国际金融危机,打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪,遏制疫病蔓延、环境恶化等方面面临的挑战是相似的;

    We face similar challenges in tackling the international financial crisis , fighting terrorism and transnational crimes and curbing the spread of diseases and environmental degradation .

  26. 洗钱几乎与所有形式的跨国犯罪以及有组织犯罪息息相关,是罪犯保护其犯罪收入的手段。

    Almost all forms of money-laundering and transnational crime , as well as closely related to organized crime , criminal offenders to protect their means of income .

  27. 浅议洗钱罪&兼议完善我国的反洗钱立法-加强努力打击所有方面的跨国犯罪,包括贩卖和偷运人口以及洗钱行为。

    - To intensify our efforts to fight transnational crime in all its dimensions , including trafficking as well as smuggling in human beings and money laundering .

  28. 跨国犯罪是近年来国际社会面临的严峻挑战,是全球化最明显的负面影响。

    The transnational crime is the severe challenge which the international community faces in recent years , and is the most obvious negative effect of the economic globalization .

  29. 由于我国法律没有关于刑事缺席审判制度的规定,所以在打击跨国犯罪惩处潜逃境外的经济犯罪分子、打击单位犯罪等方面往往处于不利的地位。

    At present it is forbidden to hear a trial by default in criminal offenses , which brings disadvantages to combat international crimes , punish economic criminals , etc.

  30. 他同时呼吁双方加强联合巡逻执法和边境管理,合力打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪,同时要开展文化、教育等领域的交流合作。

    He is also calling for closer cooperation on law enforcement , management of border areas , terrorism and transnational crime as well as cultural and education exchanges .