
  • 网络transboundary water
  1. 长江三角洲区域跨界水污染治理的多层协商策略

    Multi-layered consultation strategy for transboundary water pollution control in Yangtze River Delta

  2. 流域跨界水污染纠纷对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures for transboundary water pollution dissension of the river valley

  3. 论流域跨界水污染的府际合作治理机制

    Study on Inter-Governmental Cooperation Governance of Trans-boundary Water Pollution in Basin

  4. 目前我国流域污染的突出表现就是跨界水污染问题严重。

    At present the question of the river basin water pollution is serious .

  5. 跨界水的利用和保护应遵循的原则

    A Basic Analysis on the Principles Guiding the Use and Protection of International Water

  6. 面对跨界水污染问题,没有一个地方可以独善其身。

    Faced with the problem of trans-boundary water pollution , noplace can be spared .

  7. 淮河流域跨界水污染管理机制研究

    A Study on the Management Mechanism for Transboundary Water Pollution in the Huaihe Valley

  8. 我国跨界水污染治理的体制矛盾及其协商解决

    The system contradiction on transboundary water pollution controlling in China and its consultation solution

  9. 突发性跨界水污染全过程风险评价研究

    Study on the Whole Process Risk Assessment of the Sudden Fatal Cross-Border Water Pollution Events

  10. 流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型研究

    Study of Model of Cooperation and Reallocation of Transboundary Water Pollution Dissension of the River Valley

  11. 跨界水资源的利用和保护问题已成为一个战略问题乃至政治问题。

    So the use and protection of international waters has become a strategic and even a political problem .

  12. 结合我国流域的非畅流特点,提出了污染物人工调控和污染物间接不影响等几个基本假定,构建了流域跨界水污染结构描述模型。

    Several basic hypotheses have been supposed , and model of structure description of transboundary water pollution is brought forward combining the Chinese circumstances .

  13. 其次,分析污染物削减指令配额管理体制的优缺点,建立流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型。

    Advantage and disadvantage of management system of appointed quota of pollution reduction have been analyzed , and model of cooperation and reallocation is brought forward .

  14. 跨界水污染是全世界面临的共同问题,也是我国亟需解决的现实问题。

    Trans-boundary water pollution is not only the common problem in the world , but also the realistic trouble needed to be urgently solved in our country .

  15. 分析了协商三个层面涵义,即精神和文化层面的协商、体制和组织层面的协商、以及行为和策略层面的协商,提出了跨界水资源管理协商的概念。

    Consultation management can be included three meaning . They were consciousness and culture consultation , system and organization consultation , behaviors and strategic decision making consultation .

  16. 在亚洲,“对跨界水资源利用的竞争将会非常激烈,”位于昆明的云南大学亚洲国际河流中心主任何大明说。

    In Asia ," competition for transboundary water utilization will be fierce ," says He Daming , director of the Asian International River Centre of Yunnan University in Kunming .

  17. 如何在行政区域的层面上解决跨界水污染问题,促进区域经济协调发展亟待研究。

    How to solve the trans-administrative water pollution problems on the level of administrative regions and promote the coordinated development of economy in adjacent regions need be researched urgently .

  18. 流域突发跨界水污染事件处置作为流域管理中的薄弱一环,自2005年松花江水污染爆发以来,越来越受到所有人的关注。

    The disposal of trans-boundary water pollution is the weak part of watershed management , and it gets more and more attention since the Songhua River water pollution break out in the year of 2005 .

  19. 我国水环境污染事故频发,由于事前对环境污染风险评估不足,防范不到位,引发跨界水环境污染事件。

    Water environmental pollution accidents in our country occur frequently , and because environmental pollution risk assessment in advance is insufficient and the prevention does not reach the designated level , which cause cross-border water environmental pollution incidents .

  20. 尽管如此,流域上下游在应对流域突发跨界水污染事件一直很被动,缺乏信息交流共享机制与行之有效的协同决策决策平台。

    Nevertheless , for lack of sharing mechanism for information and effective collaborative decision making platform during the upstream and downstream of the river basin , the reaction of response to the trans-boundary water pollution emergency was always delayed .

  21. 2005年泛珠三角区域9省2特区在北京共同签署了泛珠三角区域环境保护协议,泛珠三角区域跨界水污染治理政府合作力度同步加强。

    In 2005 Pan-PRD Region 9 provinces 2 SAR meet in Beijing , jointly signed the " Pan-Pearl River Delta regional environmental protection agreements ", the efforts of the local government cooperation for cross-border water pollution control were step up .

  22. 近年来重大水污染事故频繁发生,给流域的生态环境以及人员健康带来了严重的伤害,其中的一些跨界水污染事故甚至引起了国家间的外交纠纷,影响了我国的国际形象。

    In recent years , serious destruction of ecological environment and damage to the health of people in river basin have being caused by hazardous water pollution . Furthermore , some transboundary water pollution accidents even resulted in diplomatic disputes between nations and injuried the international image of our country .

  23. 跨界重大水污染事故风险源识别技术体系的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Transboundary Risk Source Identification of Hazardous Water Pollution Accidents

  24. 根据导致跨界污染的成因不同,可以将跨界污染分为水污染、大气污染、海洋污染、核污染以及外层空间活动造成的污染。

    According to different reasons , transboundary pollution can be divided into water pollution , air pollution , marine pollution , nuclear pollution and so on .