
  1. 我们把地球围绕太阳公转的轨道称为黄道,把月球围绕地球公转的轨道称为白道。

    We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecliptic , the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road .

  2. 在一个原子中,电子占据轨道的方式称为该原子的电子构型。

    The way electrons occupy the orbitals in an atom is called the electron configuration .

  3. 中国称其一艘飞行器首次进入轨道舱,称这是建立空间站的关键一步。

    China says that one of its spacecraft has docked with an orbiting module for the first time in what it calls a major step towards setting up a space station .

  4. 地球的轨道速度,称之为轨道,物体的角速度,它按照一定的,角度速度旋转。

    The Earth has an orbital velocity , v I call it v orbital , and there is on the object the angular velocity , It goes around with a certain angular velocity .

  5. 据建造该旅馆的轨道科技公司称,该旅馆预计于2016年开放,这种旅馆将会比宇航员们住的国际空间站更恬静。

    The hotel is due to open by2016 , according to Orbital Technologies which will construct the hotel , will be " far more comfortable " than the International Space Station used by astronauts .

  6. 挑衅循环已进入了一个更高层轨道,他补充称,并认为朝鲜领导人或许是在寻求借此重启国际谈判,并从中获得安全保障之类的让步。

    The cycle of provocation is moving into a higher orbit , he added , arguing the North Korean leader could be seeking to win his way back to international negotiations from which he wants to win concessions such as security guarantees .