
  • 网络transfer efficiency
  1. 线阵CCD转移效率及响应度非均匀性测试装置研究

    An apparatus for measurement of charge transfer efficiency and photo-response non-uniformity of linear CCD

  2. 微机自动调整CCD最佳工作点及测试转移效率

    Automatic Control of the Optimum Bias Level and Transfer Efficiency Measurement for CCD 's Using Microcomputer

  3. 中子辐照诱导CCD电荷转移效率降低的数值模拟与分析

    Simulation on CTE Reduction of CCD Induced by Neutron Irradiation

  4. 担载Ag对TiO2界面光生电子转移效率的影响

    Influence of Silver Deposition on the Transfer of Photogenerated Electrons for TiO_2 Photocatalyst

  5. 由于单股和双股DNA与聚合体之间具有不同的相互作用能力,因而可通过不同荧光能量共振转移效率识别杂交事件。

    The hybridization event was recognized by the different FRET efficiencies due to different interaction abilities of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA with the polymer .

  6. 详细讨论了栅间隙长度和埋沟深度等参数对该CCD模型的电荷转移效率的影响。

    We discussed in detail the gate gap length and depth of buried channel on the impact of charge-transfer efficiency .

  7. 详细介绍了CCD的增益、转移效率、满阱、线性、暗电流、读出噪声、陷阱和量子效率的测试方法及测试结果。

    Testing method and results of such parameters as gain , CTE , full well , linearity , dark current , readout noise , trap and QE are described in detail .

  8. 目的研究电脉冲介导的质粒红细胞生成素(EPO)基因肌肉转移效率以及对肾性贫血的治疗作用。

    Objective To investigate the effects of erythropoietin ( EPO ) gene transfer into skeleton muscle mediated by electroporation on renal anemia .

  9. 结论HSVtK/GCV对膀胱癌的体内杀伤效应随基因转移效率提高,并存在远距离旁观者效应。

    Conclusion The effects of hsv tk / gcv on bladder cancer is enhanced by higher gene transfer ratio and the distant bystander effect is found .

  10. TDI-CCD图像传感器中电荷包总转移效率分析

    Analysis of the Total Transfer Efficiency of the Charge Packet in a TDI-CCD Image Sensor

  11. CCD芯片用于空间观测时,会受到空间环境中高能辐射而造成损伤,其转移效率、暗电流和噪声等主要性能指标劣化。

    The high-energy radiation in the space environment will damage the CCD chip which is used for space observation . The transfer efficiency , dark current , noise , and other major performance of CCD chip will adversely affected .

  12. FRET的能量转移效率是两个荧光基团间距离的函数,并对此距离十分敏感,它的有效响应距离一般在1~10nm之间,因而可被用于测定原子间及分子间的距离。

    Its effective response distance is between 1 ~ 10 nm , thus it can be used to measure the distance between atoms or molecules .

  13. 选测了BCCPD的转移效率等性能。

    The characteristics containing transfer efficiency of the device are measured .

  14. 豌豆Sparkle及其单基因突变体E107的铁锰吸收及转移效率

    Study on the Fe and Mn Use Efficiencies in the Single Gene Mutant E107 and Its Parent Sparkle of Pisum sativum

  15. 本文阐述了提高PtSi肖特基势垒红外CCD(PtSi-SBIRCCD)的量子效率和转移效率的方法。

    In this paper , the methods of improving the quantum efficiency and the transfer efficiency of PtSi Schottky barrier infrared CCD ( PtSi-SBIRCCD ) are expounded .

  16. 简单地介绍了CCD相机的读出噪声、电荷转移效率(CTE)的常用测试和归算方法,指出了其中的不足之处。在此基础上,提出了改进的噪声和CTE的测试和归算方法。

    Test and reduction methods in common use for readout noise and charge transfer efficiency ( CTE ) of CCD camera are introduced briefly , their insufficiencies are pointed out , and then improvements are made .

  17. 结果:IL-1α/IL-3/SCF联合应用能最有效地提高小鼠CFU-GM基因转移效率,使转移效率从(6.04±1.34)%提高到(43.6±5.94)%;

    Results : The most efficient combination of cytokines , IL-I α / IL-3 / SCF , increased the efficiency of gene transfer into murine CFU-GM from ( 6.04 ± 1.34 ) % to ( 43.6 ± 5.94 ) % .

  18. 分析和实验测量表明,C-G能量转移效率对激光器的工作特性有着重要影响。

    It is indicated by both theoretical analyses and experimental measurements that the efficiency of C-C energy transfer has significant effect on the characteristics of excimer lasers .

  19. 为了提高转移效率,CCD移位寄存器采用埋沟CCD,并且发现,降低埋沟中的杂质浓度是提高器件在77K液氮工作温度下的转移效率的一种有效方法。

    In order to improve the transfer efficiency , CCD shift register is designed with buried channel CCD . Reducing the impurity concentration in the buried channel is found to be an effective method of improving the transfer efficiency at the liquid nitrogen operating temperature ( 77K ) .

  20. 器件转移效率99.99%,动态范围60dB,时钟频率10MHz。

    The transfer efficiency of 99 . 99 % is achieved , with dynamic range of 60 dB and clock frequency of 10 MHz .

  21. 我国校企技术转移效率及影响因素分析

    Analyzing on University-Enterprise Technology Transfer Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in China

  22. 知识特性对知识转移效率影响效应的结构分析

    A Structural Analysis of Knowledge Characteristics ' Effect on Knowledge Transfer Efficiency

  23. 荧光共振能量转移效率的实时定量测量

    Real-time quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements using fluorescence microscopy

  24. 病毒载体滴度对基因转移效率的影响研究

    Test titer of viral vector and study its effect on gene transduction efficiency

  25. 提高PtSi&SBIRCCD量子效率和转移效率的方法研究

    On Improving Quantum Efficiency and Transfer Efficiency of PtSi-SBIRCCD

  26. 中外企业战略联盟知识转移效率的实证分析

    Effects on knowledge transfer efficiency in sino-foreign strategic alliance : an empirical analysis

  27. ⑶基于投入产出分析测算长三角城市群的产业转移效率。

    ⑶ Analyze the industrial transfer efficiency based on input and output process .

  28. 联盟中知识转移效率的分析

    An Analysis on Knowledge Transfer Efficiency in an Alliance

  29. 基于知识供应链的高校知识转移效率研究

    Research on the efficiency of knowledge transfer of university based on knowledge supply chain

  30. 科技中介机构的技术交易池规模对于技术转移效率具有非常显著的正向影响。

    The intermediaries with larger technology transaction pool are more efficient in technology transfer .