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  • 网络soft economy
  1. 经济发展的软环境是经济发展的重要保证。

    The soft environment is an important guarantee for economic development .

  2. 过境公路潮湿路基弹软处理及经济分析

    Dealing and economical analysis for wet subgrade of passing road

  3. 通过与石灰软化和离子交换软化的比较,分析了纳滤膜软水法的经济性。

    Finally , the economy of water softening by nanofiltration is discussed by comparisons with lime softening and ion exchange softening .

  4. 经济法律关系客体之构成&兼论软资源作为经济法律关系的客体

    On the Object Constitution of the Economic Legal Relations & Also on the Soft Resources as the Object of Economic Legal Relations

  5. 由于认识到软科学在经济建设和政策制定的重要作用,中国在现代化进程中已越来越重视这门科学了

    In its process of modernization , China is paying more attention to developing the soft science , recognizing its importance in economic construction and policy-making

  6. 实际上,华尔街经济学家如今一致认为,今年美国经济将出现软着陆,经济增长率将略低于趋势水平,通胀率也将不断下滑,这是伯南克一段时间以来一直在描绘的目标。

    Indeed , the consensus view among Wall Street economists now is that the US economy is heading for a soft landing this year , with growth moderately below trend and receding inflation , a story the Bernanke Fed has been telling for some time .

  7. 预算软约束在转轨经济理论中的应用综述

    The Summary of the Application of Soft Budget Constraint in the Transition Economy

  8. 软基处理技术经济性比较

    Economical Comparison of Soft Soil Foundation Processing Methods

  9. 我国经济增长的“软着陆”和经济增长的“软扩张

    The Analysis of Soft landing and Soft Expanding of the Business Cycles of China 's Economy

  10. 中国经济自1996年成功实现软着陆以来,经济增速一直呈下滑趋势。

    Since the successful soft landing of Chinese economy in 1996 , the economic growth has been declining .

  11. 文化是一个国家的软实力,在经济社会发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    The culture is a national soft strength , and it plays a vital role in the economic social development .

  12. 作者系统地给出了可以满足多变量模型预测控制系统的多种控制要求:初始可行解判断、软约束调整、经济优化实现、克服多解等的基于二次规划的稳态优化技术。

    The steady-state optimization algorithm that can accomplish all control requirements : hard constraint , soft constraint , economic optimization , overcoming multi-solution is presented comprehensively .

  13. 这些现象恰好与理论分析的结果相吻合,即软投入是决定经济增长质量的核心因素。

    These phenomenon just agree with the results of the theoretical analysis , that is , soft input is the core factor that determines the economic growth quality .

  14. 该结构整体性能良好,软基处理简单经济,施工效率高,具有较高推广应用价值。

    This structure overall performance is good , the soft base processing is simple and economy , the construction efficiency is high , has the high promotion application value .

  15. 然而,文化属于一种软权力,受经济政治力量的影响和制约,有强势文化和弱势文化之分。

    However , culture belongs to " soft power ", which is conditioned by economy and politics , thus there are " strong culture " and " weak culture " .

  16. 综合以上两点,本文第四章以浙江省为典型案例,先对该省的概况、软投入水平和经济增长质量现状进行了总体概括。

    Combining the above two points , taking Zhejiang Province as a typical case , this paper will first have a general summary the soft input level , economic growth quality and other objective conditions in this province .

  17. 高斯过程的稀疏表达使得基于高斯过程的软仪表能够满足大规模数据集的实时应用需要,所提出的热力参数软仪表对于电厂经济运行有着重要的意义。

    The sparse representation of Gaussian processes makes the GP-based soft sensor practical in a large dataset and real-time application . And the proposed thermal parameter soft sensor is of importance for the economical running of the power plant .

  18. 笔者通过研究区域经济竞争力的决定因素,发现这些决定因素绝大部分属于投资软环境范畴,在此基础上构建投资软环境体系,最终聚焦于研究投资软环境对区域经济竞争力的作用机制。

    In the paper we thought the determinants of regional economy 's competitiveness mostly belong to the scope of soft environment for investment , then focused on the study on effect process from soft environment for investment to regional economy 's competitiveness .