
  • 网络carrier to noise ratio;carrier-to-noise ratio;C/N;CNR
  1. 低载噪比下P码接收精频测量新算法及性能分析

    A New Algorithm and Performance Analysis for Frequency Refinement of P Code under Low C / N0

  2. 介绍了GPS接收机所接收信号的载噪比;

    The C / N0 of received GPS signal is described .

  3. GPS信号载噪比研究

    On C / N0 of Received GPS Signal

  4. CATV系统的载噪比

    The carrier - to - noise ratio of CATV system

  5. 浅谈CATV前端载噪比C/N指标的选择

    Selection of carrier to noise ratio in CATV headend

  6. 一种GPS信号载噪比估计的新算法低信噪比下的LMS自适应无偏时延估计

    New Algorithm for GPS C / N0 Estimation Bias-Free LMS Time Delay Estimation at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Levels

  7. 基于计算机的高信噪比Langmuir探针系统一种GPS信号载噪比估计的新算法

    Computer based High Signal-to-noise Ratio Langmuir Probe System ; New Algorithm for GPS C / N0 Estimation

  8. 理论上分析了OFDM信号在模拟光纤传输系统中影响载噪比的主要因素;

    Analyzed theoretically the main factors that affects the OFDM signal carrier-to-noise ratio transmitted on the analog optical fiber transmission system ;

  9. CDMA在FTTR中应用的载噪比分析

    CNR Analysis of CDMA used in Fiber to the Railway

  10. 探讨了CATV系统载噪比的计算公式及各种影响因素,并提出了提高载噪比的一些具体措施。

    The computational formula and every influence factor of the carrier-to-noise ratio of CATV system are discussed , the concrete methods of lifting carrier-to-noise ratio are put forward .

  11. 文章讨论了CATV系统前端载噪比(C/N)H指标的合理选取及合理利用。从而保证干线传输系统的性价比、可靠性和有效提高分配网络的效率。

    Rational selection and usage of carrier to noise ratio in CATV headend is discussed in this paper so as to ensure cost effectiveness and reliability of the trunk transmission system and improve the efficiency in distribution network .

  12. 载噪比CNR>50dB。首次实现用低反射尖锥端光纤和DFB激光器耦合。

    The low reflectance couple between laser chip and fiber is realized firstly with the conical end fiber .

  13. 仿真结果表明:在高动态条件下,采用低精度的INS辅助三阶PLL环路可以保持对低载噪比信号的持续锁定、跟踪状态。

    Simulation results show that under the condition of high dynamic , the low accuracy ofINS aided third-order PLL loop can keep locking and tracking signal with low noise ratio . 4 .

  14. 介绍了利用CATV分析仪,通过测量光放大器引起的系统载噪比劣化来推算光放大器噪声系数的方法,给出了噪声系数与载噪比劣化之间的关系。

    In this papers , we analysed comprehensively the noise of CATV system incorporating Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier , and derivated out of calculating Carrier Noise Ratio ′ s equations for such CATV system .

  15. 然而就相同的载噪比C/N来讲,8&PSK方式对于相干载波相位偏移的灵敏度要比QPSK方式大得多。

    However it seems that for the same signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) of phase reference , the sensitivity to phase offset for 8-PSK is more serious than for uncoded QPSK .

  16. 测定了用该染料制成的光盘在不同记录功率和记录频率下,不同记录速度的载噪比(CNR)。

    The carrier to noise ration ( CNR ) at various recording rates for the CD R disc made with the dye have been tested at different recording powers and frequencies .

  17. 在分析UHF频段卫星上行链路载噪比的基础上,提出了一种窄带信号检测算法,并对算法进行了理论推导和算法仿真;

    We bring forward a new narrow band signal detection algorithm based on the analysis of CNR ( carrier noise ratio ) of uplink in UHF ( ultra highfrequency ) band and make theory deduce together with algorithm simulation .

  18. 该场强仪可以对有线电视系统的电平、频谱、载噪比、A/V比、系统不平度、交流干线和电池电压等进行测量,并通过液晶显示,结果保存于EPROM中。

    This instrument can meter the electric level , frequency spectrum , carry to noise ratio , A / V , cobbly ratio , voltages of the AC trunk line and the battery . Furthermore it can display the above information on the LCD and store them in the EPROM .

  19. 对云南TES电话地球站交叉极化干扰的产生及影响进行了测试分析,得出卫星链路中交叉极化干扰对载噪比的影响程度的分析计算法.并应用于实际系统中。

    The production and effects of cross polarization interference on TES telephone earth station were analysed . The analytical algorithms for the effects of cross polarization interference on carrier to noise ratio were got , in satellite link , and used to practice system .

  20. 光缆传输的载噪比与非线性失真分析

    Analysis on the C / N Rate of Fiber Transmission and Nonlinear Distortion

  21. 不同载噪比条件下误码性能测试分析

    Error Performance Testing Analysis Under Different Overload Noise Ratio

  22. 磁光盘载噪比测试方法的研究

    An analysis of measurement methods of carrier to noise ratio for magneto optical disks

  23. 载噪比与复合三次差拍比的讨论

    Analysis on Carrier to Noise Ratio and CTB

  24. 非合作水声低载噪比直接序列扩频信号的载频估计方法

    A Carrier Frequency Estimation Method of Non-cooperative Underwater Acoustic Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Signal Under Low-CNR

  25. 光接收组件输出电平高低对系统载噪比指标的影响

    The Effect of the Output Level of Optical Receiver Components to C / N Ratio

  26. 磁光盘片载噪比特性的自动测试方法

    Au to matic Measurement of Carrier to Noise Ratio for Magne to - Optical Disks

  27. I的关系。调制器数量与载噪比参数关系表及其应用

    The Table of Relationship Between Modulator Number and C / N Parameter and Its Application

  28. 讨论了频率偏差对系统载噪比的影响。

    Then , the effect on carrier - to - noise ratio with frequency offset is discussed .

  29. 并改进了一种载噪比估计方法,使之适合于高灵敏度接收机强信号的估计。

    A carrier to noise estimation algorithm is improved , which is more suitable for high sensitivity condition .

  30. 载噪比直接法测量地球站G/T值的精度研究

    Accuracy considerations in the G / T value measurement of the earth station using carrier to noise ratio direct method