
fú shè dài
  • radiation zone
  1. 4建立经济中心辐射带。

    Establish radiation zone of economic centers .

  2. 辐射带粒子强度的转换

    The Transformation Methods For Trapped particles Flux In the Earth 's Inner Radiation Zone

  3. BN、BH分子辐射带系的Franck&Condon因子计算

    Calculation for Franck-Condon factors of the radiation band systems of bn 、 BH molecules

  4. 我们确信在铯蒸气中的辐射带是由8Sσ和6Sσ之间的跃迁。可能是一种准分子激光的能级系统。

    The bands in Cs are believed to result from the transitions between 8 S σ and 6 S σ, and they may have potential for excimer laser systems .

  5. 分析指出,当所选红外探测器的响应波长范围刚好与被研究材料的红外强辐射带一致时,可大大提高PTR的探测灵敏度。

    By comparison and analysis , it is found that the detective sensitivity of PTR can be improved obviously when the responsive wavelength range of infrared detector lies in the strong infrared radiation band of the specimen .

  6. 这就是我们现在所说的范艾伦辐射带。

    It was what we now call the Van Allen Belt .

  7. 分析表明,所得结果与辐射带理论一致。

    The results are agreeable with the Radiation Belt theory .

  8. 外辐射带动态演化的粒子模拟研究

    Article simulation on the dynamical evolution of radiation belt particles

  9. 漂移壳追踪方法与内辐射带的长期变化

    Drift shell tracing method and the secular variation of inner radiation fluxes

  10. 星载半导体电子探测器关于辐射带电子探测的一些结果

    Some Observation Results of the Radiation Belt Electrons from Satellite Borne Semiconductor Telescope

  11. 但是辐射带风暴探测器则要把环境恶劣的“地球近郊”称为家。

    But the radiation belt storm probes will call those harsh environs home .

  12. 一种辐射带电子望远镜

    AN Electron Telescope for Radiation Belt Electron Measurements

  13. 高空核爆炸形成人工辐射带的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the formation of artificial radiation belt caused by high altitude nuclear detonation

  14. 因为辐射带对飞船有潜在的危害,所以美航局对它特别关注。

    They 're of particular interest to NASA as they pose a potential danger to spacecraft .

  15. 磁暴主相期间外辐射带结构的变化

    Variation of the structure in the outer radiation belt during the main phase of a magnetic storm

  16. 8月23日,美宇航局计划发射两艘航天器到地球周围的辐射带。

    On August 23rd , NASA plans to launch two spacecraft into the radiation belts around Earth .

  17. 本工作对于辐射带粒子动态模式的建立,以及正确理解卫星磁坐标位置等具有重要意义。

    This work is meaningful to radiation belt dynamic modeling and understanding of magnetic position of satellite .

  18. 美航局发射的两个范艾伦探测器重复在空中作环状飞行时发现了第三个辐射带。

    By looping through them repeatedly , the twin Van Allen Probes discovered a third band of radiation .

  19. 双辐射带风暴探测器将会调查被地球磁场吸引住的高能粒子。

    The twin Radiation Belt Storm Probes will investigate high-energy particles held in place by Earth 's magnetic field .

  20. 该磁场随后被命名为范艾伦辐射带,以纪念其发现者、美国空间科学家詹姆斯·范·艾伦。

    It was named the Van Allen radiation belt , after its discoverer , U.S. space scientist James Van Allen .

  21. 这两个航天探测器会研究这些辐射带是如何形成,以及是什么让它们时不时膨胀。

    The two NASA probes will study how the belts formed , and what makes them swell up from time to time .

  22. 质子事件之后,内辐射带质子通量又逐渐回复到质子事件之前平衡结构时的水平。

    After the solar proton events , the enhanced proton intensities of the Inner Radiation Belt decreased gradually to their stationary level .

  23. 科学家称,对于范艾伦辐射带的更好了解有助于我们做好准备,预防太阳活动带来的潜在影响。

    Scientists say better understanding of the Van Allen radiation belt will help us prepare for potential surprises from our own sun .

  24. 但大多数情况下,它们都会被地球自身的磁场所阻拦,而后者被人们称之为范艾伦辐射带。

    But most of the time they get trapped by the earth 's magnetic field in the so-called the Van Allen radiation belt .

  25. 引发单粒子翻转的空间高能带电粒子环境包括银河宇宙线,太阳宇宙线和地球辐射带中的高能质子及重离子。

    The space energetic particle environment inducing SEU includes galactic cosmic ray , solar cosmic ray and high-energy trapped protons and heavy ions .

  26. 最后我们将根据上述的结果讨论美国人造卫星(探险者Ⅵ号)所观测到磁暴期间外辐射带的变化。

    These results are discussed in connection with the variation of the outer radiation belt during the geomagnetic storm observed by Explorer ⅵ .

  27. 范艾伦辐射带是航天器的克星,它们也能毁伤未来的人类计划。

    The Van Allen Belts are a nuisance to some spacecraft , and they could pose a hazard to future manned missions as well .

  28. 最后,这些被加速的电子束陷入地球的辐射带之内,可以对卫星通讯和导航系统产生干扰。

    Eventually , the accelerated electrons become trapped in the Earth 's radiation belts , where they can interfere with satellite communications and navigation .

  29. 这些辐射带依靠地球磁场来保持在太空中的位置,它们被命名为内外范艾伦辐射带。

    Held in place by the planet 's magnetic field , these bands of radiation were named the inner and outer Van Allen Belts .

  30. 对于典型的外辐射带高能电子能谱情况,介质的充电时间为小时量级。

    For the typical high energy electron spectrum in outer radiation belt , the charging time for dielectrics is of the order of an hour .