
  • 网络input statement
  1. 以输入语句“Mattlikespizza”为例,您也许明白单个的单词,但如果不熟悉主语-动词-对象这一句子结构,就不会明白它的意思。

    Consider the input sentence ," Matt likes pizza . " You might know the individual words , but if you aren 't familiar with the subject-verb-object sentence structure , you won 't understand its meaning .

  2. 可以在提示符下输入语句(语句应该以句号结尾)。

    You can use the prompt to enter statements , which you should terminate with a period .

  3. 本文介绍一种自由格式数据输入语句SCAIN,给出了它的设计思想、各模块的功能说明和使用方法。

    In this paper the free format input data system for general purposes developed by the Research Institute of Engineering Mechanics of DIT is introduced .

  4. 利用输入语句和计算模块的灵活性,可以对不同的煤种进行计算。

    Also , by using the flexibility of inputting sentence and computed module , this model can facilitate the calculation of a wide variety of coals .

  5. 首先我们证明了正存在式一阶逻辑在二分图上的参数模型检测问题存在线性核,其中参数为输入语句的长度。

    First , we show that parameterized model-checking problem for existential positive first-order logic on bipartite graphs parameterized by the length of the input sentence has a linear kernelization .

  6. 首先介绍句法结构模型的建立,然后阐述如何基于句法结构模型分析,从语音处理的初步结果搜索出输入语句的方法。

    At first , the method for constructing syntactic structure model was introduced , then describes how to search the final recognition result based on syntactic structure model and initial results from speech processing part .

  7. 几天后,我上网想取消在SkyGo的订阅,结果经历了一次“在线聊天”。在这个过程中,输入的语句会显示为一个一个的泡泡。

    A couple of days later I was online trying to cancel my subscription to Sky Go and found myself having a " Live Chat , " which involves typing words into a bubble .

  8. 调用DatabaseManager实用工具,这样开发人员可以从Workbench交互式地输入SQL语句。

    Invoke the DatabaseManager utility so developers can enter SQL statements interactively from the Workbench .

  9. 您可以直接使用一个代码文件运行monkeyrunner,抑或在交互式对话中输入monkeyrunner语句。

    You can either run monkeyrunner programs from a file , or enter monkeyrunner statements in an interactive session .

  10. 输入以下语句以提交这些更改。

    Enter the following statement to commit the changes .

  11. 随机文件输入输出语句GB/T16511-1996电气和电子测量设备随机文件

    Random file I / O statement Electrical and electronic measuring equipment & Documentation

  12. 随机文件输入输出语句他说话总出语法错误。

    Random file I / O statement he always spoke in grammatical sentences .

  13. 随机文件输入输出语句

    Random file I / O statement

  14. 无格式输入输出语句

    Unformatted input output statement

  15. 当焦点移至该控件或字段时准备设置哪种输入法语句模式?

    Which IME sentence mode do you want to set when the focus is moved to the control or the field ?

  16. 另外,通过输入命令语句来完成端口的设置,以及实现虚拟路由器相互之间的通信。

    Otherwise , it can accomplish the setting of ports by input the command sentences , and achieve the communication among the virtual routers .

  17. 本文介绍了汉语语句自动改写的方法,在方法中,利用多种方法将输入的语句分解成短语结构,依存语块等。

    This paper introduces an approach to paraphrasing Chinese utterances . In this approach , an input utterance is first analyzed in terms of phrase structure , dependency of chunks , etc. , by using multiple methods .

  18. 如果文档非常大或者复杂,那么像示例那样将XML数据输入到INSERT语句是非常不切实际的。

    If the document was large or complex , it would be impractical to type the XML data into the INSERT statement as shown .

  19. 除了可以使用图形化窗格创建的查询之外,还可以向sql窗格中输入任何sql语句,例如“联合”查询。

    In addition to the queries you can create using the graphical panes , you can enter any SQL statement into the SQL pane , such as union queries .

  20. 您可以使用编辑器和在Use-editor选项的帮助下输入自己的语句。

    You can type your statements using an editor with the help of the Use-editor option .

  21. 每个不同的POI都分布在地图上不同的坐标点上,而本地搜索的任务就是根据用户输入的检索语句将可能的POI输出出来。

    Each of the different distribution of all the POI on the map coordinates of different points ; while the local search based on user input task is to retrieve the statement may be exported out of the POI .

  22. 使用分词系统对用户输入的查询语句进行分词和词性标注;②根据检索特征提取关键词集合。

    Use the word system to query user input word segmentation and POS tagging ;② Based retrieval feature extraction keyword collections .

  23. 经实验证明,本文设计的句类分析系统已经实现了简单语句的理解,对输入的自然语句序列经过句类分析后,能够得到正确的句类表示式。

    Proved by the experiment , the sentence category analysis system takes the simple sentences as the input and outputs the correct sentence category representation .

  24. 中文分词是机器学习,自然语言处理中的一个基础部分,中文分词处理要对输入的中文语句在字、词、句三个层面上进行处理。

    One of the basic parts of Natural Language Processing and Machine learning is Chinese word segmentation . Chinese Language Processing deals with Chinese in three levels : Words 、 Phrases and Sentences .

  25. 本文提出一种基于模糊语义识别的自然语言处理方法,其基本原理是:依据特定的语言环境,利用语义模式直接从输入中提取语句的概念结构,从而获取相应的语义信息。

    In this paper we present a natural language processing approach based on fuzzy semantic recognition . The basic idea of this approach lies on that to abstract conceptual Structure that contains the semantic information from user 's input on basis of semantic patterns and dialog environment .

  26. 要根据前面创建的XML的关系视图创建报告,输入下面的查询语句

    To create a report based on the relational view of the XML created previously , enter the following query statement

  27. 采用程序抽取技术,将与输入变量无关的语句和函数剔除,简化了源程序,提高了分析效率;

    The program slicing method is employed to delete those statements and functions that are not related to input variables , so that the given program is simplified and analyzing efficiency is improved .

  28. 客户端模块主要实现信息的过滤,它能够对用户输入的自然语言语句进行语义识别使之成为计算机能够检索的关键词对;

    The customer end module realizes the filtration of the information mainly . It carries on semantic identification of natural language sentences that user 's input and makes them become keywords which computer can search .

  29. 您可以在DB-Access文本输入界面中直接输入语句,或使用您喜欢的编辑器输入语句。

    You can type the statements directly in the DB-Access text entry screen , or you can use your preferred editor .

  30. 同时,该输入法增加了自学习模块,可以在用户使用过程中自然学习用户常输入的词组及语句,提高汉字输入速度与智能程度。

    Meanwhile , this method adds the self-learning modules , and automatically learns the phrases and sentences which are usually inputted by users , and improve Chinese character input speed and intelligent degree .