
  • 网络DAPHNE;Dafne
  1. 观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。

    Viewers will remember the dashing hero , Dirk , risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons .

  2. “它会对学生的功课做出即时反馈,这样一来,学习就会变成一种游戏,自然而然地吸引学生反复提交作业,直到正确为止,”计算机科学家、Coursera公司创始人达芙妮·科勒说。

    " It allows students to get immediate feedback on their work , so that lean turns into a game , with students naturally toward resubmitting the work until they get it right , " said Daphne Roller , a computer scientist and a founder of Coursera .

  3. 早在2007年,纽约佳士得(Christie)首饰拍卖部副总裁达芙妮霠Ⅷ(DaphneLingon)就已经对未来的珠宝潮流未卜先知。

    In 2007 , Daphne Lingon , senior vice-president of jewellery at Christie 's New York , identified what would be the next big thing in the market .

  4. 没人喜欢达芙妮,因为他是个后座司机。

    No one likes Daphne because she 's a back-seat driver .

  5. 纳考西的父亲是谁,达芙妮从没有说过。

    The identity of his father would remain Daphne 's secret .

  6. 施特劳斯的歌剧1944年“达芙妮”致力于卡尔波姆。

    Strauss's1944 opera " Daphne " is dedicated to Karl Bohm .

  7. 然而这并不是因为冈萨雷斯不相信达芙妮的遭遇。

    It wasn 't because Gonzalez didn 't believe her story .

  8. 随意你可以做这样的工作达芙妮

    So you can take on work like this . Daphne .

  9. 我们要表现得更象弗雷德,维尔玛和达芙妮他们。

    And we will act more like Fred and Velma and daphne .

  10. 达芙妮和她的父母是什么时候来中国的?

    When did Daphne and her parents come to China ?

  11. 几个月过去了,达芙妮意识到这个小男孩病了。

    As the months passed , Daphne realized the boy was ill .

  12. 请一定不要告诉达芙妮

    Don 't tell Daphne , for God 's sake .

  13. 达芙妮,你好!欢迎来到我们的学校。

    Hello , Daphne ! Welcome to our school .

  14. 需要我帮你打包吗达芙妮

    Shall we wrap it up for you Daphne ?

  15. 我会翻译一下这些达芙妮找到的碑文。

    I 'll translate these inscriptions Daphne found .

  16. 达芙妮不喜欢吃干面包。

    Daphne has a dislike for dry bread .

  17. 从今天起我是达芙妮

    From now on , I 'm Daphne .

  18. 达芙妮的父亲和刘洋的母亲从事相同的工作吗?

    Does Daphne 's father have the same work with Liu Yang 's mother ?

  19. 维尔玛和达芙妮都可以破案

    And both Velma and Daphne solve crime .

  20. 她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。

    He turned Daphne into a laurel tree .

  21. 达芙妮的父亲是做什么的?

    What does Daphne 's father do ?

  22. 达芙妮把她的儿子送进了庇护所,在那儿纳考西成了明星。

    Daphne sent her boy to the Guest House , where he became a star .

  23. 这使得达芙妮的同店销售额年增幅继续保持在25%的水平。

    This has helped same store sales at Daphne continue their 25 per cent annual clip .

  24. 这首是写给达芙妮的

    This one is for Daphne .

  25. 达芙妮做不到吗?

    Daphne couldn 't make it ?

  26. 1989年,达芙妮生了一孩子,叫做纳考西。

    In 1989 in a Zulu village , Daphne gave birth to a baby , named Xolani Nkosi .

  27. 一旦你有充分升格成立,拼写认为,锁达芙妮她的局限是可以打破的!

    Once you have fully upgraded the establishment , the spell that locks Daphne within her confines can be broken !

  28. 此研究不仅对达芙妮公司,相信对整个连锁零售行业的培训都有一定的参考价值。

    I believe this study has a certain reference value to the entire chain retail industry , not only to Daphne .

  29. 不论父亲是谁,他都是达芙妮应该知道的重要的人,是他带给她病毒和死亡的危险。

    Whoever he was , he was the most significant person Daphne would ever know , for he had put death into her body .

  30. 达芙妮•塞尔夫在20世纪50年代就开始做模特,对于当今年轻模特走T台时脸挂着痛苦的表情,她颇为感叹。

    Daphne Selfe , who started modelling in the 1950s , has lamented that today 's crop of youngsters walking the catwalk look miserable .