
ɡuò qù jìn xínɡ shí
  • past continuous tense
  1. 一般过去时和过去进行时。

    The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense .

  2. 人们正用火车给他把自行车送回家。(被动语态用于过去进行时)

    The bicycle was being sent to his home by train .

  3. 你应该听见了,他用的是一般过去时和过去进行时。

    You heard him using the past simple and past continuous .

  4. 过去进行时与过去一般时。

    I went to bed when I did my homework .

  5. 一年之前,进行。一件奇怪的事发生在我的一位朋友身上。听听过去进行时练习。

    A strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago .

  6. 戒指店的店员用动词过去进行时来表达礼貌。

    The employee at the ring shop used the past continuous verb form to express politeness .

  7. 第二句使用过去进行时的更礼貌一些。第一句更直接,有可能会被听者误认为粗鲁。

    The second , which uses the past continuous , is more polite . The first sentence is more direct and could be mistaken by the listener as rude .

  8. 借助模糊概念和模糊运算,对时间区间的描述很容易实现。以竞赛的形式用过去进行时描述汤姆在不同时间所做的事。

    Abstract With the help of fuzzy calendar algebra and fuzzy operators , it is easy to describe desired temporal requirements . Show a series of pictures of Tom 's activities at different times yesterday quickly .

  9. 我过去进行MicrosoftASP开发时,我经常看到有1000行的网页。

    When I was doing Microsoft ASP development , I would commonly see1000-line pages .