
  • 网络Runtime;run-time;run time;android runtime
  1. 但是只读的值是不同的,因为它们是在运行时被赋值的。

    But read-only values are different , in that they are assigned at runtime .

  2. 可以认为这是将编译器的部分工作延迟到了运行时

    Think of it as deferring part of the compiler 's job to runtime .

  3. 火车运行时请勿上下车!

    Don 't try to get on or off a moving train !

  4. 列车运行时,请勿打开车门。

    Don 't open the door while the train is in motion .

  5. 中间层服务器提供Web页面、运行时环境和数据库访问。

    The mid-tier server provides the Web pages , run-time environment , and database access .

  6. NET平台的优点,成功实现面向用户的运行时组件化。

    NET platform , user-oriented run-time components were successfully realized .

  7. 在C和其他高级语言中,语言本身会管理运行时堆栈。

    In C and other high-level languages , the language itself manages the run-time stack .

  8. 还要保存生成的XML文件,以便Web应用程序运行时使用该文件。

    Save the generated XML file for the Web application to use at run time .

  9. 此授权决策(true或false)将返回到服务器运行时。

    This authorization decision , true or false , is returned to the server runtime .

  10. 在此情况下,当您部署WAR时或在运行时,类加载器错误可能就会出现。

    In this case , when you deploy the WAR or at runtime , classloader errors may occur .

  11. 运行时环境会识别所需的Java库,以解决资源引用。

    The runtime environment identifies the Java libraries that are needed to resolve asset references .

  12. WebServicesGateway是提供基于WSDL文档的可配置映射的运行时组件。

    The Web Services Gateway is a run-time component that provides configurable mapping based on WSDL documents .

  13. Bean类封装运行时类型和实际返回的实例。

    The Bean class encapsulates the run-time type and the actual returned instance .

  14. 请记住,在该程序运行时,操作集中在display小部件的内容上。

    Keep in mind that while this program runs , the action is focused in the contents of the display widget .

  15. 选择WebSpherePortalv6.1作为目标运行时环境。

    Select WebSphere Portal v6.1 as the target runtime environment .

  16. 运行时内存崩溃检测能够确保所有平台上的正确函数和高质量的纯C和C++应用程序。

    Runtime memory corruption detection is essential to ensure proper functioning and high quality of native C and C + + applications on all platforms .

  17. 实际上,WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBus运行时对聚合边界中的任何服务调用原语启用强制同步属性。

    In effect , the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus run time enables the force synchronous property on any Service Invoke primitive within an aggregation boundary .

  18. 在每个收集运行时,您将在CollectorStatus区域(5)中看到有关该收集的状态信息。

    As each collection runs , you will see status information about the collection in the Collector Status area ( 5 ) .

  19. 版本信息包括运行时库、运行路径、版本、产品ID和产品选项。

    The release information includes runtime library , run path , release , product ID and product option .

  20. 在此场景中,任何必要的WSDL文档都将在运行时动态生成。

    In this scenario , any necessary WSDL documents will be generated dynamically at run time .

  21. 在内联风格中,SQL语句是在运行时声明或构造的,并作为String的实例传递给公共的Data接口方法。

    With inline methods , SQL statements are declared or constructed at runtime , and passed as instances of String to common Data interface methods .

  22. JSP容器的运行时任务

    The JSP container 's run time role

  23. 此层整合了IBM对SCA标准的实现,以下将其称为SCA运行时。

    It incorporates IBM 's implementation of the SCA standard , which is called SCA runtime hereafter .

  24. 本系列的后续部分将定义与IT设计、开发、运行时和管理相关的SOA术语。

    Following parts of the series will define SOA terms related to IT design , development , runtime , and management .

  25. Eclipse操作环境包括处理器体系结构、一个操作系统、一个分屏系统,和一个Java运行时环境。

    An Eclipse operating environment comprises processor architecture , an operating system , a windowing system , and a Java runtime environment .

  26. 该工具可以方便地将Web服务运行时工件打包到一个可部署的WebApplicationArchive(war)中,而后者可以直接部署到应用服务器实例上。

    The tool conveniently packages the Web service runtime artifacts into a deployable Web Application Archive ( war ), which can directly be deployed onto an application server instance .

  27. 一般说来,这意味着任何Tcl应用程序都可以在运行时加载Expect功能。

    That means , roughly , that any Tcl application can load Expect capabilities at run time .

  28. 在这方面,您将了解SCA模块如何考虑运行时,以及BusinessProcessChoreographer如何管理业务流程。

    In this respect , you 'll understand how SCA modules look at runtime and how Business Process Choreographer manages your business processes .

  29. DB2在运行时使用阵列类型的最大基数来确保下标在在限制范围内。

    The maximum cardinality of an array type is used by DB2 at runtime to ensure that subscripts are within bounds .

  30. 在其他操作系统上,您可能需要从其他地方下载Java运行时:SunJVM就是很好的一个选择。

    On other operating systems , you may need to download one from elsewhere : the Sun JVM is an obvious choice .