
fǎn gōng
  • rework;do poorly done work over again;do over again
返工 [fǎn gōng]
  • [do over again] 返回来重做

  • 凡是质量不合格的产品一律返工

返工[fǎn gōng]
  1. 油管螺纹部分的损伤是油田采油过程中造成事故、返工的一个重要原因,因此需要对其定期进行检测。

    The failure of oil well tubing thread is one of the very important factors to cause the accident and to do poorly done work over again , so it must be inspected periodically .

  2. 要做到一劳永逸,一次修筑,再不返工更新,必须坚持质量第一的原则,不可盲目求速度、赶数量。

    Want to accomplish get sth done once and for ever , build , or else do poorly done work over again is newer , must hold to quality first principle , cannot seek rate blindly , drive a measure .

  3. 一整天的工作都必须返工。

    A whole day 's work had to be redone .

  4. 她对我们干的活儿不满意,要我们返工。

    She wasn 't happy with our work and made us start over .

  5. 这项工程必须返工。

    This project must be started all over again .

  6. 这件上衣需要返工。

    This jacket needs to be remade .

  7. 论返工与重新加工的GMP管理

    Discussion about Management for Reprocessing and Reworking Based on GMP

  8. 在过回流焊时有无同CAD或程式数据相联系的软件工具来帮助实现元件的确认与返工?

    Is there a point and click software tool post reflow which is linked to CAD or program data to facilitate component identification for rework ?

  9. SocialJetLag指休假结束返回工作岗位时的倦怠感,主要是由睡眠模式的变化引起的,称为假后返工时差。

    Social jet lag refers to the feeling of being very tired when you return to work after a holiday , especially because of changes to your sleeping pattern .

  10. 当完成标准(definitionofdone)没有明确的验收标准时,其代价是故事不断被返工,相关的开发生产力也会下降。

    The price to pay when the definition of " done " is not made clear with acceptance criteria is a story that keeps being reworked and the associated decrease in development productivity .

  11. 不幸的是,即使它是一个棘手的方案,已经在F-35需要另一个返工。

    And sadly , even though it is a troubled program , already the F-35 needs another rework .

  12. 据估计,返工二到五次,GDD项目的生产力会下降到50%以上,比集中的项目多。

    By some estimates , productivity in a GDD project can drop up to50 percent , with rework two to five times greater than for a collocated project .

  13. 应用EDA技术进行微电路的设计大大提高了设计效率和设计质量,降低了返工次数,保证了微电路的高性能、高可靠、高密度和低成本。

    The application of EDA in the design of microcircuits raises greatly the design efficiency and quality , lowers the times of reworking , and assures the high performance , high reliability , high density and low cost of microcircuits .

  14. 本田(Honda)不仅将伦敦西部Swindon汽车厂关闭了4个月:当车间工人返工时,他们还接受了减薪3%,减少工时,并且安排一些多余的员工到附近的供应商处工作。

    Honda not only shut its Swindon car plant west of London for four months : when shop-floor workers came back , they also agreed to a 3 per cent pay cut , reductions in hours and measures for some surplus staff to take jobs at nearby suppliers .

  15. 与策略控制区域分开单独提供修理/返工区。

    Provisions for repairs / rework separate from the containment area .

  16. 只要有一点差错,就可能需要返工。

    One error might make it necessary to start over again .

  17. 翼子板焊缝如果达到了所示的范围就必须返工。

    The wing seam must be reworked in the areas shown .

  18. 返工成本是真正的项目杀手。

    The cost of rework is the real killer of projects .

  19. 在评审总结报告上纪录实际的返工工作量。

    Record the actual rework effort on the inspection summary report .

  20. 如发现有不合格则整批将返工或调整。

    If found to be unqualified then batch will rework or adjustment .

  21. 我所能想到的所有解决方案都需要重新分解,返工。

    All solutions I can think of would require refactoring and rework .

  22. 如验收不合格卖方必须返工。

    Rework must be done if the products are unqualified .

  23. 现在,该协会呼吁全员返工。

    The association is now calling for a full return .

  24. 经验表明一些返工是不可避免的。

    Experience tells me that some rework is inevitable .

  25. 应根据记载的程序重新检查修补产品和返工产品。

    Repaired and reworked products shall be re-inspected in accordance with documented procedures .

  26. 增加返工是维护要求和成本增加的信号。

    Increasing rework is a sign of increases in maintenance demands and costs .

  27. 这些中间体和原料药可以按下述方法进行返工或重新加工。

    These intermediates or APIs can be reprocessed or reworked as described below .

  28. 经过返工或返修后的工程或部位须重新检验和评审鉴定。

    Those constructions after redo or fix need to review and prove again .

  29. 处理需求变更或误解需求的重大返工。

    Significant rework to address changing or misinterpreted requirements .

  30. 面阵列封装对返工和修理提出了特殊的工艺要求。

    Area arrays present special process considerations when rework and repair is required .