
  • 网络Import;CIF;import volume
  1. 在短期内,FDI与进口额之间存在单向因果关系,即FDI是进口增加的Granger原因。

    In the short term , one-way causal relationship exists between FDI and IMPORT which means FDI is the Granger cause of IMPORT increase .

  2. 包括澳洲航空公司与VIP喷射客机等财货进口额增加百分之五点一。

    The import volume including Australian Airline and VIP Jet increased 5.1 % .

  3. 一旦石油供应被中断,美国的石油进口额就会大幅度增加。

    If oil supplies were ever disrupted , it would send U.S. oil-import bills into the stratosphere .

  4. GDP的组成包括四部分,分别是政府支出、消费者支出、私人或企业投资、净出口额或净进口额。

    GDP has four components : government expenditures , consumer spending , private or business investment , and the surplus of exports over imports , or vice versa .

  5. 第三章运用从1981年至2001年的我国出口额、进口额、贸易结构变化情况及GDP等数据进行实证分析,并对实证结果做出说明。

    Chapter three gives the results of positive analysis based on the changing export value , import value , trade structure and GDP from 1981 to 2001 . Then explanations are made to the results of the positive analysis . Chapter four is focused on some policy suggestions .

  6. 但是,同期内进口额也增长了22%。

    But the volume of corresponding imports rose by 22 per cent .

  7. 这一规定表明中国由此禁止了挪威三文鱼的对华出口量的五分之一进口额。

    That ban represents one-fifth of Norway 's salmon exports to China .

  8. 2004-2005年美国农业区域进口额

    U.S. agricultural imports : Value by region , 2004-2005

  9. 他们的出口额赶不上进口额。

    Their exports fell short of their imports .

  10. 石油净进口额比上年增长14%,达到491.97亿美元。

    Net oil import rose 14 % to USD 49.197 billion compared to the previous year .

  11. 与此同时,芬兰从东南亚地区的进口额增长了百分之五。

    At the same time , Finland 's imports from Southeast Asia grew by 5 % .

  12. 总进口额则因原油价格下滑而略为降低。

    The import bill was also reduced slightly by a drop in the price of crude oil .

  13. 377%的关税使进口额一度下降.但出口商很快找到空子可钻。

    A 377 percent tariff caused imports to dip for a while until shippers found a loophole .

  14. 重型机械及商用飞机的销售表现强劲,拉动了出口额的增长。同时进口额也有所增加。

    Exports were led by stronger sales of heavy machinery and commercial aircraft . Imports also rose .

  15. 去年中国进口额接近2万亿美元,中国企业对外直接投资也超过了900亿美元。

    Total imports approached $ US2 trillion . Overseas direct investment by Chinese enterprises exceeded $ US90 billion .

  16. 因此,本文以中美服务贸易发展的影响因素为主线,采用引力模型对中美服务贸易进出口总额、进口额、出口额进行实证分析。

    Therefore , the paper uses gravity model to analyze the factors of service trade between China and America .

  17. 进口额对国内生产总值的比率&外贸进出口总额3450亿美元;

    Ratio of imports to gross domestic product & Total imports and exports should reach US $ 345 billion ;

  18. 在去年6月之前,欧元区从中国的进口额便已超过其从美国的进口额。

    For the eurozone , Chinese imports had overtaken imports from the US by the middle of last year .

  19. 印度政府发现,自己的外汇储备只够支付两周的进口额。

    The Indian government found itself with foreign reserves that were worth just two weeks ' worth of imports .

  20. 中国海关总署周日公布的数据显示,出口额略有下降,进口额大幅下降。

    China 's General Administration of Customs released trade data on Sunday that showed a slight dip in exports .

  21. 适度外汇储备的一般基准是3个月的进口额,不过6个月的进口额大概也可以。

    A common benchmark for adequate reserves is three months of imports , though six months might be permitted .

  22. 全国消费品进口额同比增长8.2%,达到约1.6万亿元。

    The country 's imports of consumer goods increased by 8.2 percent year on year to about 1.6 trillion yuan .

  23. 出口额增长22.3%,达到3255.7亿美元,进口额增长21.2%,达到2952.2亿美元。

    Exports rose 22.3 percent to US $ 325.57 billion and imports grew 21.2 percent to US $ 295.22 billion .

  24. 传统观点认为,可以覆盖短期外部债务或六个月进口额的外汇储备规模是适当的。

    Conventional views of reserve adequacy enough to cover short-term external debt or six months of imports are no longer relevant .

  25. 选取了进口额、出口额、外商直接投资额、外债余额、外汇增长额进行实证检验。

    Selected imports , exports , foreign direct investment , foreign debt , foreign exchange amount of increase for empirical testing .

  26. 而香港方面报告的进口额要低得多。经济学家称,这证明中国存在上述行为。

    Hong Kong 's separately reported imports from China are much lower , which economists say is evidence of the practice .

  27. 2014年,这个拥有逾2900万人口的国家的进口额猛降至360亿美元左右,一切东西都出现了短缺。

    In 2014 , imports for the nation of over 29m have tumbled to around $ 36bn and shortages of everything abound .

  28. 周一发布的数据显示,中国的进口额还在下滑,5月的数据同比下降18.1%。

    Data released Monday showed that imports continue to decline , falling 18.1 percent in May from the level of a year earlier .

  29. 国际贸易方面,进口额占地区生产总值比重提高不利于技术效率水平的提高,而出口和技术效率之间并没有显著的关系。

    Imports are not conducive to the level of technical efficiency , and there is no significant relationship between export and technical efficiency .

  30. 但今年头7个月,伊朗从邻国土耳其的进口额比2006年同期上升了26.5%。

    But exports from neighbouring Turkey rose 26.5 per cent in the first seven months of this year against the same period in 2006 .