
lián xù
  • continuous;continuation;continuity;consecutive;successive;succession;running;in a row;series;progression;right(straight) on end;running serial
连续 [lián xù]
  • [successive;continuous; consecutive; running serial; right(straight) on end] 相连接续

  • 可以测量连续各点之间的角度

连续[lián xù]
  1. 一个求解P0函数非线性互补问题的非内部连续化算法

    A non-interior continuation method for solving p_0 function nonlinear complementarity problems

  2. 对求取电力系统PV曲线的连续潮流法的改进

    Improvement of Continuation Method in Tracing PV Curves of Power Systems

  3. 连续的黄色箭头标出往接待站的路。

    A series of yellow arrows pointed the way to reception .

  4. 这出戏在伦敦剧院连续上演,打破了演出纪录。

    The show had a record-breaking run in the London theatre .

  5. 她连续不断地受雇于人,一直工作到六十五岁。

    She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five .

  6. 小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。

    The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags .

  7. 这是她连续第三年获得此奖。

    She has won the award for the third year in succession .

  8. 我总算连续工作了两小时。

    I managed to work for two hours without interruption .

  9. 她上一部音乐剧在百老汇连续上演了六个月。

    Her last musical ran for six months on Broadway .

  10. 这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。

    The scandal was in the headlines for several days .

  11. 她连续几个小时坐在那里怔怔地望着前面。

    She sat for hours together just staring into space .

  12. 没有一个政党在选举中连续四次获胜。

    No party has won an election four times running .

  13. 政府的更迭导致政策缺乏连续性。

    Changes in government led to discontinuities in policy .

  14. 他连续几盘迅速击败了那位比他年轻的选手。

    He dispatched the younger player in straight sets .

  15. 利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。

    Liverpool lost to Leeds , ending an unbeaten run of 18 games .

  16. 列车已经连续三天晚点了。

    It was the third day running that the train had been late .

  17. 头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。

    The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack .

  18. 她连续工作,没有休息。

    She continued to work without respite .

  19. 约翰有丰富的创造力——总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。

    John was full of invention ─ always making up new dance steps and sequences .

  20. 这是他们连续第四次获胜。

    This was their fourth successive win .

  21. 雨连续下了整整一个星期。

    It rained non-stop all week .

  22. 购物的人们小心翼翼地择路避开由于连续下雨形成的水坑。

    Shoppers picked their way through puddles caused by persistent rain .

  23. 东京股价已连续第6天猛跌。

    In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day

  24. 康纳斯连续159周排名世界第一。

    Connors reigned as the world No. 1 for 159 consecutive weeks

  25. 国王连续数月都在散布骇人听闻的谣言。

    The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months .

  26. 他用手指连续敲击他的皮革桌面。

    He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk

  27. 这次会议是在政治暴力连续不断的背景下召开的。

    The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence .

  28. 培训不间断地连续进行了3天

    The training was non-stop and continued for three days .

  29. 一位富商被发现死于重物连续猛击。

    A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death .

  30. 昨天的大胜是他们连续第5场胜利。

    Yesterday 's emphatic victory was their fifth in succession .