
shì yìnɡ xínɡ wéi
  • adaptive behavior
  1. cchange智能变化及其适应行为的测试现在可在实验室第一时间内完成。

    This smart performance and the adaptive behavior of c_change can be measured now for the first time in laboratory tests .

  2. 方法采用EPQ、SAB、CSQ量表,对56例哮喘儿童及对照进行个性、适应行为及应付方式的心理测试。

    MethodsThe personality , social adaptive behavior , coping style of56 children with asthma were measured by means of EPQ , SAB and CSQ scales .

  3. 目的:探讨ADHD儿童智力结构及社会适应行为特点。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the characteristics of intelligence and social adaptive ability in children with ADHD .

  4. 但分类与填图在轻度MR儿童中与IQ的关系则较密切。③根据适应行为评定量表的上述评定结果,针对轻度MR儿童的能力特点,应如何教育、训练和矫治本文进行了讨论。

    Based on the results of ADQ , and the characteristic of ability of mild MR children , how to educate , practive and therapy were discussed in this paper .

  5. Multiagent仿真与资源稀缺下的适应行为干旱区资料稀缺流域日径流过程模拟

    Multiagent simulation and individual s adaptive behaviors in resource shortage ; Daily flow modeling in arid ungauged basin

  6. 应用Conners量表调查学龄儿童注意缺陷多动障碍注意缺陷多动障碍适应行为的研究

    Investigation on ADHD among Urban and Rural Children of School Age Using Conners Questions and Paper Adaptive Behaviors in Children with ADHD

  7. AAMD适应行为量表在我国的应用

    The Application of the Adaptive Behavior Scale in China

  8. 针刺对孤独症儿童语言障碍的图片词汇智商门值)及社会适应行为商数(ADQ)有明显的改善作用。

    The pin treating obviously improve the intelligence quotient of picture and word recognize and society adapt behavior of the children autism language barrier .

  9. 治疗前后分别进行社会适应行为能力(ADQ)量表评估社会适应行为商数及其疗效。

    Social adaptive quotient ( ADQ ) was evaluated by a social adaptive behavior scale before and after treatment and the curative effect , after treatment .

  10. 方法:采用适应行为量表(AAMD)郑州区域性常模与全国常模比较。

    Methods : Using AAMD-the Adptive Behavior Scale , compare norms in Zhengzhou City with the norms of the whole nation .

  11. AAMD适应行为量表郑州市与全国常模比较研究

    The comparison of the norms of the Zhengzhou with the norms of the whole nation in the AAMD the Adaptive Behavior Scale

  12. 方法采用美国儿童适应行为量表(AAMD-ABS修订版)对600名6~12岁儿童进行社会适应行为调查,对其中影响儿童社会适应能力的因素进行逐步回归多因素分析。

    Methods Six hundred children of 6 to 12 years old were investigated with the adaptive behavior assessment form of American children ( AAMD-ABS revised edition ) . The influence factors for social adaptability of children were analyzed by stepwise regression .

  13. 舟山地区学龄前儿童适应行为的调查

    Study on preschool children ′ s adaptive behaviors on Zhoushan island

  14. 智力落后学生学校适应行为研究

    Research on the School Adaptive Behaviors of Students with Mental Retardation

  15. 人类适应行为的评价与反馈机制。

    The procedure and feedback of human adaptive behavior to climate change .

  16. 健康行为训练对癫痫患儿适应行为的影响

    Effects of Health Behavior Training on the Adaptive Behavior in Epilepsy Children

  17. 1048名3~12岁儿童适应行为及相关因素的调查

    An Investigation on Adaptive Behaviors and Related Factors in Children

  18. 脑性瘫痪儿童社会适应行为的观察及干预研究

    Observation and Intervention Research of Adaptive Behavior on Children with Cerebral Palsy

  19. 学龄前期儿童适应行为发展状况分析

    An Analysis of the Developmental Situation of Preschool Children 's Adaptive Behaviour

  20. 家庭因素对学龄前儿童社会适应行为的影响

    The effect of family factors on social adaptive behavior of preschool children

  21. 93名孤残儿童适应行为评定量表测验结果分析

    Analysis of adaptive behaviour rating scale of 93 orphans and disabled children

  22. 儿童适应行为评定量表全国常模的制定

    Development of National Norms of Chinese Child Adaptive Behavior Scale

  23. 适应行为量表在精神发育迟滞儿童中的应用

    Reserch on the application of adaptive behavior scales in mentally retarded children

  24. 智力落后儿童适应行为三个因子发展特点的研究

    A Research to Study the Adaptive Behavior of Children with Mental Disability

  25. 青少年的自我意识及其与社会适应行为的关系

    The Characters of Adolescent Self-consciousness and its Relationship with Social Adaptive Behavior

  26. 注意缺陷多动障碍患儿行为及适应行为的研究

    Study on Behavior and Adaptive Behavior in Children with ADHD

  27. 适应行为群体差异研究的新进展

    New Progresses in Group Difference Research with Adaptive Behavior

  28. 3&7岁儿童社会适应行为评定量表的编制

    The construction of Social Adaptation Behavior Scale for Children at 3-7 Years Old

  29. 精神分裂症儿童适应行为及影响因素的分析

    A Study on Characteristics and Relevant Factors of Adaptive Behaviours in Schizophrenic Children

  30. 但是,长期以来有关适应行为的研究一直存在争论。

    However , there are many arguments on the study of adaptive behavior .