
  • 网络moderate control
  1. 另外,还有其它若干重要问题,如DSB的作用问题、公众参与问题、WTO与RTAs的平等合作之可能性等等,也归属于适度控制论的范畴。

    In addition , there are also some other important issues belonging to the spectrum of moderate control such as the function role of DSB , the public participation and equal cooperation between WTO and RTAs .

  2. 论社会治安适度控制的标准

    The Criteria on the Moderate Control of Social Order

  3. 高层钢结构TMDs风振舒适度控制最优参数与简化设计

    Optimum parameters and simplified design for wind-induced vibration comfort control on tall steel structure with TMDs system

  4. 给出了受控高层钢结构脉动增大系数及有关TMD系统参数实用设计表格。给出了高层结构-TMD系统风振舒适度控制设计过程。

    The applicable design table for fluctuating amplifying coefficients and the TMD parameters of the controlled tall steel structures as well as the control design steps for tall steel structure_TMD system are given .

  5. 防范潜在财政风险适度控制国债规模

    Preventing the Potential Fiscal Risk and Controlling the Size of Government Debts

  6. 中庭建筑设计及其热舒适度控制

    Architectural design of atrium and control of its thermal amenity

  7. 请你适度控制音量,我会不甚感激。

    If you could please keep the volume to a moderate level , I would appreciate it .

  8. 新兴市场面临的挑战是适度控制增长的水平以免出现经济过热。

    The challenge in emerging markets is to contain the level of growth in order to prevent overheating .

  9. 给出了受控结构的风振加速度设计计算公式和风振舒适度控制设计步骤。

    Calculating formulae for vibrating acceleration of the controlled structures are derived . The wind-induced vibrating comfort control design steps are given .

  10. 研究了TMD-高层钢结构系统的风振舒适度控制设计方法。

    Research on control design method on wind induced vibrating comfort of TMD tall steel structure system is made in this paper .

  11. 本文提出了适度控制国债规模,防范潜在财政风险的对策建议。

    Finally , the author has presented some suggestions to control the size of government debts and to prevent the fiscal risks .

  12. 在我国,氮氧化物控制的环保政策和研究技术起步相对较晚,走一条节约型、适度控制的环保道路是符合中国国情。

    In China , the controlling strategy and technology for NOx starts relatively late , however , a economical and moderate controlling strategy is practical .

  13. 因而适度控制经理自主权、合理安排经理与股东之间的权力配置是保证有效R&D投入、提升企业技术创新能力的必要手段。

    Therefore to control managerial discretion level reasonably will ensure the effectiveness of R & D expenditure , and improve the technology innovation of firms .

  14. 所谓网民自我伦理是指,网民通过自我调适,适度控制对信息的欲望,从而获得自我实现与自我幸福;

    The so-called Internet Communication self-ethics refers to the Internet audience accomplishes their self-realization and self-happiness by self-adjustment and adequate control over the lust of information .

  15. 离岸金融监管的基本原则包括促进金融发展与稳定原则、国际协调原则、宽松监管原则和适度控制原则;

    The basic principles of offshore finance supervision consist of the principles such as financial development and stabilization , international coordination , loose supervision and appropriate control .

  16. 该模型能够根据用户设定的舒适和节能之间的协调关系,得出动态热舒适度控制的参数最优设定值。

    According to users ' balance between comfort and energy saving , optimal setting values of parameters in dynamic comfort control system can be calculated by this model .

  17. 本文先从监管部门角度提出建议,主要包括对保险业进入适度控制、加强政府监管和从业监管。

    This start point of the recommendations of regulatory authorities , mainly govern the insurance industry into the appropriate controls , to strengthen government regulation and supervision of practitioners .

  18. 湖泊富营养化综合评价系统对了解湖泊营养状态、富营养化形成机制以及进行富营养化适度控制均具有重要意义。

    The system for the comprehensive evaluation of eutrophication lakes has important signification for the evaluation of lakes nutrition state , mechanism of eutrophic evolution and eutrophication moderate control study .

  19. 另外经济评价工作中,还应根据现有技术条件,合理确定各项技术经济指标界限,适度控制投资规模。

    In the economic evaluation , limits of various technical and economic indicators should be defined rationally and dimension of investment should be controlled appropriately according to the existing technical conditions .

  20. 因此,要适度控制贷款规模和投放速度,严格遵照有关政策规定,规范发放有关贷款,避免增加风险,同时加强风险防范措施。

    Therefore , the loan amount and dispensing time should be controlled strictly with certain policy regulations and measures should be taken to prevent and risks by regulating loans and avoiding the additional risks .

  21. 适度控制论的基本立足点是前四章的分析结论,另外还有行政治理理论中的管理主义终结和服务型行政的观点。

    The view of moderate control is based upon not only the conclusions of the former four chapters but also the viewpoints of the end of managerialism and service administration in administrative governance theory .

  22. 指出了现代控制技术对高层钢结构风振舒适度控制及外伸臂对框架-核心筒结构体系水平位移指标控制的实现。

    It is pointed out that wind vibration comfort control on tall steel structure by using modern control technique and the lateral deflection control on the frame_core wall structure by using outriggers can be realized .

  23. 在今后项目建设中,对不同地区的项目建设应实施分类指导,采取不同的投资政策和管理模式,并适度控制项目建设规模。

    In future project construction , category guidelines for project implementation in different regions should be adopted , varied investment policies and management patterns should be used and the construction scale should be controlled properly .

  24. 保证和提高公立医院的社会效益最主要就是提高其公益性,其次还包括不断从质量和数量上满足广大患者对医疗服务的需求,并适度控制费用的增长。

    The most important social benefit of public hospital is to improve its public welfare , besides meeting the demand of the patient constantly from the quality and quantity , controlling the increase of the fee .

  25. 在此基础上,从适度控制人口、发展经济、集约用地、产业结构调整和生态建设等方面提出了提高杭州土地综合承载力的建议。

    On these basis , we put forward the proposal on population , economic development , Intensive land use , the adjustment of industrial structure , ecological construction and so on to raise Hangzhou land comprehensive carrying capacity .

  26. 本文认为适度控制项目规模,有利于提高财政支出效率,建议推广评价指标体系,将绩效评价结果作为项目立项的参考依据之一。

    Another extended evaluation index system is proposed which regards the results of performance evaluation as one of the reference in projecting . And there are several suggestions such as the scale control of project in this paper .

  27. 包括:适度控制退耕还林规模,工程实施应赋予农户自由选择权,调整完善工程相关制度,扶持后续产业发展等。

    Including : Control the scale of Grain for Green Program appropriately , the project should for the agricultural free right to choose , adjust and improve the relevant systems of the project , support such as subsequent industry development , etc.

  28. 通过调控试验模拟结果比较中发现,在确定城市后续发展策略时,强调经济的高速发展和适度控制城市人口规模是促进广州可持续发展的主要动力。

    According to comparing of three schemas including some adjusting parameters to simulate the development of Guangzhou , we found that emphasizing on economy developing with high speed and controlling population increase moderately are main impetus which accelerates Guangzhou sustainable development .

  29. 然而,网民如何进行自我调适,适度控制对信息的欲望以走向自我幸福和自我实现,并同时顾及到他人的利益,其抉择依然显然甚为复杂和困难。

    However , Internet users can self-adjust , appropriately control the desire for information to move toward self-happiness and self-fulfilment , and at the same time take into account the interests of others , the choice is obviously very complicated and difficult .

  30. 国内外诸多学者在薪酬差距方面进行了规范性和实证性的研究,试图通过对薪酬差距的适度控制来调节员工的薪酬水平,充分激发员工的工作热情。

    Many scholars at home and abroad were in the pay gap between the normative and empirical research , trying to moderate the control of the pay gap to adjust the pay level of employees , reduce management costs , improve staff motivation .