
nì zéi
  • traitor;rebel;a rebellious bandit
逆贼 [nì zéi]
  • [rebel;renegade;traitor;turncoat] 叛贼

  • 骂逆贼当死。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

  1. 就绝不会放过这种叛国逆贼。

    Treason shall never go unpunished .

  2. “陛下,这是没法知道的,快报上只提到了登陆和逆贼所走的路线。”

    " Sire , it was impossible to learn ; the despatch simply stated the fact of the landing and the route taken by the usurper . "

  3. 武戏着重刻画英雄人物,角色多为忠心耿耿的武将,名声显赫的帝王和足智多谋的文臣,所有这些角色在剧中与叛臣逆贼作斗争。

    Military plays are heroic in nature , full of loyal generals , glorious emperors , and wise government officials , all of whom struggle against traitorous opposing forces .

  4. “维尔福先生,人们都以为这位奎斯奈尔将军是追随逆贼的,但实际上他却是完全忠心于我的,我觉得他是拿破仑党所设的一次圈套的牺牲品,你是否与我有同感?”

    " Do you not think with me , m.de villefort , that general quesnel , whom they believed attached to the usurper , but who was really entirely devoted to me , has perished the victim of a Bonapartist ambush ?"