
  • 网络Transparency;the principle of transparency;transparent principle;rule of transparency
  1. 遵循WTO透明度原则,提高我国政府透明度

    Follow WTO Transparency Principle , Improving the Transparency of Our Government

  2. WTO透明度原则与保密工作依法行政

    WTO Principle of Transparency & China 's Maintenance of Secrecy Entailing Administration by Law

  3. 透明度原则是wto的一项重要基本原则。

    Transparency is one basic principle of WTO .

  4. WTO基本法律原则及透明度原则的地位。

    Four basic legal rules of WTO ;

  5. 透明度原则是WTO重要的基本原则和追求目标。

    Transparence principle is one of the most important , elementary principles and goals in WTO .

  6. 透明度原则是对WTO成员国政府行政公开提出的较高要求。

    The transparent principle may be looked as one demand of WTO to their member states .

  7. WTO的透明度原则对成员方的立法提出了公开的要求。

    The transparent principle of the WTO requires the openness of its member countries ' legislation .

  8. 在WTO规则里,其中有一个最基本的规则是透明度原则,它要求政府信息必须公开。

    There is a base regulation in WTO rules , it demand the government information should public .

  9. WTO透明度原则对我国的政务公开制度提出了新的要求。

    The transparent principle of WTO raise new claims for China 's open system of governmental work .

  10. 我国现行的外商直接投资市场准入制度与WTO有关多边国际投资协议的规定存在不少差距,尤其表现在国民待遇原则、取消数量限制原则和透明度原则这三个方面。

    But there are still some conflicts between the Chinese market access of FDI law and WTO rules .

  11. 其次,本章就WTO透明度原则对我国法治诸环节的影响进行了探讨。

    Then , the chapter generalizes the influences of Transparency upon the various links of Rule of Law in China .

  12. WTO透明度原则对我国建立透明政府的要求;

    Including : WTO 's transparency principle and society governed by law require our country to set up transparent government ;

  13. 第二部分(第二章):WTO透明度原则的内容及其在WTO规则中的地位。

    The second part ( chapter two ): The content of WTO 's transparency principle and its position in WTO rules .

  14. 内容涉及WTO规则的一致性要求,透明度原则和贸易政策审查机制。

    The contents include the conformity requirements , the principle of transparency and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( TPRM ) .

  15. WTO透明度原则的新发展&兼论中国入世议定书的相关规定

    The Latest Development of the WTO Principle of Openness & On Relevant Regulations in the Protocol on the Accession of the PRC

  16. 在目前我国加入WTO的背景条件下,政务公开实际上是对WTO规则中行政透明度原则的贯彻。

    It is viewed as being in accord with the principle of clear administration on the background of our country 's WTO entry .

  17. 尽快建立行政许可公开制度,以适应WTO透明度原则要求;

    Quick set-up of a system to make administrative license open so as to be in the agreement with WTO 's transparency principle ;

  18. 透明度原则是wto的一项基本原则,也是各成员方政府必须遵守的一项基本原则。

    The transparent principle , must to obey to every member government , is one of the nine basic legal principles of WTO .

  19. 作为WTO的成员国,透明度原则将对我国行政公开制度产生深刻的影响,我国现有的关于行政公开的零碎规定已不能适应WTO透明度原则的需要。

    As a member country of the WTO , the principle of transparency will take profound effect on the administrative openness system of China .

  20. WTO透明度原则必将要求并推动我国政务公开制度的构建和完善。

    The establishment and perfection of the open system of administrative information of our country must be demanded and promoted by the WTO transparence .

  21. WTO规则有一些基本原则,包括非歧视原则、透明度原则、自由贸易原则、公平竞争原则和权利与义务平衡原则等。

    WTO rules are comprised by Non-Discrimination principle , Transparency principle , Free Trade principle , Fair Competition principle and the Balance of Right and Obligation principle .

  22. 这些要求集中表现为WTO协议所规定的国民待遇原则、透明度原则、法律统一实施原则、行政公平原则以及对行政行为的监督审查原则等方面。

    Such requirements are spelled out through a series of principles including national treatment , transparency , uniform law enforcement , fair administration , and review of administrative actions .

  23. 建立专业化征管体系是经济发展、依法治税、WTO透明度原则的需要,信息化的高速发展为这一需要提供了可靠的技术条件。

    Abstract : Setting up a system of the specialized collection and management is the needs of economic development controlling taxation by law and the transparency principle of WTO .

  24. 我国入世后,必须适应WTO透明度原则的要求,采取多种措施推行行政公开,建立阳光政府。

    After our country enters WTO , we must meet the needs of WTO transparency principle , take many kinds of measures to pursue the administration to disclose , and set up sunshine government .

  25. 但各国的绿色壁垒相对于WTO绿色规则来说,对发展中国家考虑不够,有的不符合非歧视原则、统一性原则和透明度原则,有的对出口商来说具有隐含的歧视性。

    But the green rampart of countries is given enough consideration to developing countries , which is inconsistent with non-discrimination principle , unity principle and transparency principle , and has implicit discrimination for the exporters .

  26. WTO的透明度原则也要求利率信号的规则和公开,再加上加入WTO后带来的人民币可自由兑换导致的货币的同质化均要求利率的形成机制必须市场化。

    The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .

  27. WTO体制的基本原则主要有非歧视原则,关税减让原则、取消数量限制原则、促进公平竞争原则、对发展中国家予以照顾原则、透明度原则和允许例外与实施保障措施原则。

    Basic principles of WTO system are as follows : non-discrimination , reduction of tariff , abolition of quotas , promotion of fair competition , making allowances for the developing countries , transparency , permission of exception and exercise of securing measures .

  28. 本文首先探讨了WTO在国际贸易运行中的五项基本原则,即最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则、透明度原则、市场准入原则和例外原则。

    The paper first talks about the five basic principles , the principle of most favored nation treatment , the principle of national treatment , transparent principle , market admittance principle and the principle of exception , which work in the international businesses .

  29. 透明度原则是WTO的基本原则之一,它对于维护和促进WTO成员之间正常贸易关系以及实现WTO自身的法治具有重要意义。

    Principle of openness , as one of the fundamental principles of the WTO , plays a very important role in maintenance and promotion of the normal trade relationship among the WTO Members as well as realization of the philosophy of WTO rule of law .

  30. 从外部环境来看,我国已加入WTO,WTO协议要求我们给予外资公司以国民待遇,同时要求我国法律在立法和实施过程中严格遵循透明度原则。

    According to outside circumstance , our country has already entered into WTO , under the WTO agreements the corporations with foreign capitals should be entitled national treatments , and we should carry out the transparency during the legislation and performance of the laws and regulations .