
  • 网络CSP;cavum septum pellucidum,CSP;cavum septum pellucidum CSP;C.S.P.
  1. 透明隔腔容量CT定量分析

    Quantitative analysis of the volume of cavum septi pellucidi in CT

  2. 结论透明隔腔的临床表现取决于CT类型的不同,同时也与是否伴有颅内其他畸形密切相关。

    Conclusions The Clinical manifestation of CSP were depended on the CT type , and correlated to whether it accompanied with other intracranial malformation .

  3. 目的:定量研究正常成年人透明隔腔(cavumseptapeullcidum,CSP)容量及其性别差别。

    Objective : To investigate quantitatively the volume of cavum septi pellucidi ( CSP ) and its sex differences .

  4. 目的初步探讨应用超声检测新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)透明隔腔(CSP)宽度的临床意义。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical value of the cavum septi pellucidi ( CSP ) in neonate hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy ( HIE ) using ultrasonography .

  5. 超声检测透明隔腔宽度对新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的临床意义

    Clinical value of cavum septi pellucidi in neonate hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy using ultrasonography

  6. 根据透明隔腔的部位、大小及形态,将其分为四种类型。

    CSP was divided into four types by CT according to the site , size and shape .

  7. 晚孕期胎儿与新生儿透明隔腔超声影像监测的临床意义

    The clinical signifcance of the cavity of septum pellucidum in fetus in third trimester pregnancy and neonate by US monitoring