
tōng gǔ sī
  • Tungus;Turgus
通古斯 [tōng gǔ sī]
  • [Tungus] 西方学者对阿尔泰语系的部分民族的合称,包括中国的满族、赫哲族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族等

通古斯[tōng gǔ sī]
  1. 通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  2. 论我国通古斯诸民族神话传说中的动物崇拜

    Remarks on the Animal Cult in the Various Tungusic Tales

  3. 关于通古斯诸语和爱斯基摩语共有名词

    On the Common Nouns Between the Tungusic Families and the Eskimo Language

  4. 满通古斯语言文化研究学术报告会综述

    A Survey of Academic Symposium on Manchu and Tungusic Languages and Culture

  5. 通古斯萨满教的文化史价值(一)

    On the Cultural Value of Tungusic Shamanism ( 1st )

  6. 朝鲜民族与满&通古斯诸民族天鹅处女型故事比较研究

    Research of Comparison on the Swan-maiden-type Story of Korean Nationality and Tungusian Nationality

  7. 1908年俄罗斯通古斯大爆炸的地球化学特征和爆炸物体的估计

    The geochemistry of the 1908 Tunguska explosion and estimation of the explosive body

  8. 黑龙江流域的通古斯人及其传统文化

    The Tungus in the HeiLongjiang River valley and Their Traditional Culture The Human Seasons

  9. 中国满&通古斯语言文化研究及发展

    On the Research and Development of Manchu - Tungusic Language and Culture in China

  10. 论蒙古与通古斯熊传说的有关习俗内涵

    Some Remarks on the Bear Legenda and Related Customs Among the Mongolia and Tunguses

  11. 通古斯语言唇状和谐的形式特点与比较

    On the Relations of Tungusic Languages and Korean Formal Features of Tungusic Rounding Harmony

  12. 通古斯语埃文基民族使用的通古斯语言中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点

    The Tungusic language of the Evenki . The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China

  13. 第二个最大的家族是阿尔泰语系的两个主要分支:突厥和蒙古-通古斯。

    The second largest family is Altaic with two major branches : Turkic and Mongol-Tungus .

  14. 我国满&通古斯语族诸民族服饰文化比较

    Comparison in the National Dress Cultures of the Minorities of the Man-Tunguska Branch in Our Country

  15. 本文主要研究属于阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族的满语是如何具体影响东北方言的。

    This paper mainly studies the specific impact of Manchu to Altaic Man - Tungus Manchu-language .

  16. 论欧亚草原上的通古斯族

    The Tungusians on the Eurasian grassland

  17. 通古斯大爆炸引发外星不明物体争论

    Tunguska Explosion Sparks UFO Debate

  18. 萨满文化千百年来的滋养使满通古斯语族民族的神树崇拜历久弥新。

    The nourishing of Shaman culture makes the tree worship of Man-Tungusic nationalities still fresh after long .

  19. 1908年通古斯大爆炸之谜

    The Mystery of Tunguska Blast

  20. 狗在满&通古斯语族先人的狩猎生产生活中,占有极大的比重。

    The dog in the Manchu-Tungusic group of ancestors of the hunting life , occupy a great proportion .

  21. 中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  22. 女真语是阿尔泰语系满&通古斯语族语言的一个古老语支。

    Endangered Language & Manchu Language Jurchen language is an ancient branch of Manchu-Tungusic group of Altai language family .

  23. 从而,论证我国通古斯诸民族神话传说里,以人与动物关系为母题的早期文学作品的历史背景、社会环境、文学价值以及理论意义。

    Also the historical background ? social enviroment ? literature value and theory significance of those tales are discussed .

  24. 其三,通古斯人的萨满教具有萨满文化核心区域的典型特征,它突显出研究中国通古斯语族民族萨满教的重要意义。

    Third , the shamanism of the Tunguses has its typical trait , so it is important to study it .

  25. 在此过程中,依本文需要,广泛使用了突厥语族,满一通古斯语族的语言材料。

    During the process , materials of Turkic Languages and Manchu-Tungus Languages are widely applied as they are required by the study .

  26. 因而,满一通古斯语言文化研究愈来愈引人注意,成为国际学术热点。

    There for , Manchu-Tungusic Language and Culture has attracted more and more attention , making it a hot subject in the international academy .

  27. 浅析千在北方通古斯族群&社会组织分类中的意义

    Elementary Analysis on the Significance of the Word " t ' n " in the Classification of North Tungusic Ethnic Groups and Social Organizations

  28. 在通古斯萨满教中,反映母系氏族社会三百女神神系的创世神话,表达了人类最早的人本主义思想,在人类文化史中有不可代替的人文价值。

    In Tungusic Shamanism , the creation myth with non-substituted value reflecting the three hundred goddess series of matriarchal society showed the earliest humanism .

  29. 满-通古斯语族的历史来源具有悠久性与复杂性,其语言、文化习俗具有丰富性与相通性。

    The history of Manchu - Tungusic language group is far long and sophisticated , and its languages and culture customs are abundant and correlated .

  30. 在满洲蒙古人种族中,一个说蒙古语的民族;和通古斯人有联系;在17世纪征服了中原。

    A member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongolian race of Manchuria ; related to the Tungus ; conquered China in the 17th century .