
  • 网络Generic Name;Common name
  1. 为解压文件夹重命名一个通用名称,比如,sencha-touch,这样对于将来的新版框架,您也可以使用相同的文件夹名,而不需要更新引用框架的其他文件。

    Consider renaming the extracted folder to a generic name , such as sencha-touch , so that you can use this same folder name for future framework versions without updating other files that reference it .

  2. 医生在开药品处方时通常使用商品名称,而不使用通用名称。

    Physicians often prescribed medicines by trade name rather than generic name .

  3. Monkeysuits是衣服或士兵穿的制服的通用名称。

    Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear .

  4. 第一个问题是,颁发给服务器的证书中专有名称(DN)的通用名称(CN)组件应该是服务器的域名。

    First , the common name ( CN ) component of the distinguished name ( DN ) in the certificate issued to the server should be the domain name of the server .

  5. 不要对通道使用诸如CONNAME等通用名称。

    Do not use generic names such as CONNAME for your channel .

  6. 就像我以前说过尝试列的通用名称。

    Like I said before try the common names for columns .

  7. 药物或疫苗的通用名称分为两部分。

    Generic drug or vaccine names come in two parts .

  8. 通用名称不可获得注册。

    Names that have become generic may not be registered .

  9. 关于商标转化为商品通用名称的思考

    The Transformation of Trade Mark Into General Name of Goods

  10. Tozinameran是Comirnaty的通用名称。

    That 's the generic name for Comirnaty .

  11. 品种名称实质上属于通用名称但是又与通用名称有区别。

    The variety name materially belongs to the generic name , but also has some difference .

  12. 并认为各国的立法虽有不同但是在个案中如果标识被认定是通用名称则不可能作为商标获得注册。

    Although they are different , the generic name is not allowed to be the trademark .

  13. GB4839-1998农药通用名称

    Common name for pesticides

  14. 已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。

    Those names that have become the generic names of pharmaceuticals shall not be used as trademarks of pharmaceuticals .

  15. 离散数学是最普遍的数学理论计算机科学领域的有益的通用名称。

    Discrete mathematics is the common name for the fields of mathematics most generally useful in theoretical computer science .

  16. 特有名称不是通用名称,两者的区分对司法实践有着重要意义。

    The unique name is not the generic name . All of them has the important meaning to the judicial practice .

  17. 这一性能是相当方便的,因为它使您在不同虚拟门户的相似页面中使用通用名称。

    This behavior is quite convenient , because it lets you use common names for similar pages in different virtual portals .

  18. 将阐述为什么会产生商标退化以及如何应对面对自有品牌可能被转化为通用名称的危机。

    Here will discuss why trademark will be degenerated , and how to deal with the crisis that trademark transform to general name .

  19. 和世界卫生组织监管的其他所有药品通用名称一样,这款疫苗必须按照严格的命名法来命名。

    Like all pharmaceutical generic names overseen by the World Health Organization , it had to be crafted according to strict nomenclature rules .

  20. 第一部分首先论述地理标志的概念及其与相关概念如原产地名称、产地标记、商标、商品通用名称的相互联系与区别,从而对地理标志有了更进一步的了解。

    The first part discusses the concept of geographical indication and the relationship and difference between origin names , trademarks and common names of commodities .

  21. 聚季铵盐-10是阳离子纤维素聚合物的通用名称,应用于香波体系,提供头发调理性能。

    Polyquaternium-10 ( PQ-10 ) is the generic name for cationic cellulosic polymers that are used in shampoo systems to impart conditioning properties to hair .

  22. 通用名称源于拉丁文固、“大局”的报道可能针对性能的黄花来疗伤。

    The generic name stems from the Latin solidus ," whole ," probably in allusion to the reported properties of the goldenrods to heal wounds .

  23. 确切查明所有药品和化学品的使用,包括通用名称(S)和剂量(s)和行政途径(s)。

    Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used , including generic name ( s ), dose ( s ), and route ( s ) of administration .

  24. 他告诉调查人员说,他曾每晚给杰克逊静脉滴注50毫克的异丙酚(得普利麻的通用名称)与多卡因麻醉剂的稀释液。

    He told investigators he gave Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol , the generic name for Diprivan , diluted with the anesthetic lidocaine every night via an intravenous drip .

  25. 药品拉丁学名的命名,药品通用名称的“一物一名”原则,对保证药品科学化、规范化管理,促进中医药事业与国际卫生事业“接轨”,都会起到重大的作用。

    Latin nomenclature of Chinese traditional medicines and exclusive principle of Chinese approved drug names ensure scientific and standardization management of drugs , and accelerate international connection of Chinese traditional medicines .

  26. 瓷器是瓷质器皿的通用名称,取这个与中国书写相同的名称,是因为瓷器源于中国。表示普通热源。可指定放射性同位素或燃烧热源。

    China is the common name for ware made of porcelain , given because it came from China . Represents a general heat source . Radioisotope or combustion heat source can be specified .

  27. 该方案总的原则是:挖、创、借相结合,以借音为主,借音又以国际通用名称为基础。

    The general principle of this system is the combination of " excavation " " invention " and " borrowing ", with " borrowing " as a principle means , based on international names .

  28. 未注册驰名商标因为较高的经济价值,遭遇恶意抢注已经屡见不鲜,另外由于宣传时方法不当,不注重保护,也可能沦为通用名称,显著性弱化。

    Unregistered well-known trademark suffered squatting frequently for it has high economic value . And because people used improper methods in promotion , pay little attention to protection , it may become common names and weaken significance .

  29. 作为例外,通用名称要获得注册,就必需具备原词义之外的第二含义,并以此含义通过使用,能够建立起消费者与特定商品的联系。

    As an exception , the common name to be registered must have secondary meaning besides the original one , and can establish the bridge between consumers and a specific product through the use of this meaning .

  30. 您将注意到,在许多情况下,这些XML元素拥有通用的名称标记(比如“Metric”),真正的标识符在通用元素的name属性上。

    You will notice that in many cases , the XML elements have generic name tags such as " Metric " and the real identifier is carried on the name attribute of the generic element .