
tōnɡ huò pénɡ zhànɡ lǜ
  • inflation rate;rate of inflation
  1. 关键在于联邦政府对通货膨胀率的控制能维持多久?

    The key is , how long can the federal government control the inflation rate ?

  2. 对数百万失业者来说,通货膨胀率的微降是不起作用的安慰。

    A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job .

  3. 据预报,通货膨胀率将继续下降。

    It was predicted that inflation would continue to fall .

  4. 工资的增长必须与通货膨胀率一致。

    Wage increases must be in line with inflation .

  5. 通货膨胀率增长了2%。

    The rate of inflation increased by 2 % .

  6. 上月的通货膨胀率保持在4%以下。

    Inflation stayed below 4 % last month .

  7. 现在通货膨胀率已经和欧洲其他国家的差不多了。

    Inflation is now at a rate comparable with that in other European countries .

  8. 政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

    The government is looking to reduce inflation .

  9. 通货膨胀率降到一位数了。

    Inflation is down to single figures .

  10. 通货膨胀率达两位数。

    Inflation is in double figures .

  11. 通货膨胀率的上升清楚地表明,政府的政策不起作用。

    The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government 's policies are not working .

  12. 今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。

    Today 's RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent

  13. 通货膨胀率已大幅上升。

    There 's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation

  14. 阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。

    Argentina 's erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans .

  15. 我们的通货膨胀率多年来确实一直保持在最低水平。

    We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years

  16. 通货膨胀率已攀升至9.5%。

    The inflation rate has been creeping up to 9.5 per cent

  17. 将通货膨胀率保持在较低水平是他们经济政策的主旨。

    Keeping inflation low is the keystone of their economic policy .

  18. 通货膨胀率最终稳定在每月11%左右。

    Inflation is finally levelling out at around 11 % a month .

  19. 过不了多久,通货膨胀率就会开始下降。

    It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall

  20. 通货膨胀率在5%以下,而且还将进一步下降。

    Inflation is below 5 % and set to fall further

  21. 9%的利息减去7%的通货膨胀率等于2%。

    9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent

  22. 通货膨胀率将下跌,随后利率也将下降。

    Inflation will fall and thereafter so will interest rates

  23. 9.4%的通货膨胀率是8年来最糟的。

    Inflation at nine point four percent is the worst for eight years .

  24. 通货膨胀率目前为3.6%。

    The inflation rate now stands at 3.6 per cent

  25. 通货膨胀率最早有可能在本月就回落至个位数。

    Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month .

  26. 事实是通货膨胀率仍高得离谱。

    The fact remains that inflation is unacceptably high

  27. 政府将紧缩经济,使之出现严重衰退,以此迫使通货膨胀率下降。

    The government will squeeze the economy into a severe recession to force inflation down

  28. 澳大利亚有15年通货膨胀率维持在两位数。

    Australia had 15 years of double-digit inflation .

  29. 工会要求按照通货膨胀率的4倍提高工资。

    The union claimed a pay rise worth four times the rate of inflation .

  30. 尽管财政部部长采取了一系列果决措施,通货膨胀率还是涨到了36%。

    Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister , inflation rose to 36 % .