
  • 网络trafficability;Passing Ability;cross-country power
  1. 基于虚拟现实技术的越野车通过性试验及评价系统

    Off-Road Vehicle 'S Passing Ability Test and Value System Based on Virtual Reality Techology

  2. 全地域机动平台是适用于作战系统机动装备等各种作业类型,并具有较强通过性的多用途专业移动平台。

    The all-terrain mobile platform is capable for campaign and industrial equipment with a good passing ability .

  3. 一项新的研究挑战了这种信念,质疑大脑是否真的可以通过性别来区分。

    A new study challenges that belief , questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender .

  4. Bekker提出的压力&沉陷关系式,未考虑重复通过性问题。

    The pressure-sinkage relationship proposed by Bekker does not taking the repeatedly passing topography capacity of soil into account .

  5. 大斜度井举升泵下入通过性计算

    Calculation of Passing Capacity of Lift Pump in Highly Deviated Wells

  6. 他们说,通过性,你将到达涅盘。

    They say through sex you reach Nirvana .

  7. 为提出提高车辆在软粘土条件下的通过性的方法与建议提供基础。

    This provided a basis for the method and suggestion for improving the trafficability of vehicle in soft soil .

  8. 美国西南部德克萨斯州的一个县星期二发现了一起寨卡病毒感染病例,看来这是美国第一起通过性行为感染寨卡病毒的病例。

    A county in the southwestern state of Texas on Tuesday reported what appears to be the first case of the Zika virus being transmitted in the United States by sexual contact .

  9. 通过礼貌性地给客户打电话,我开始和他们建立起私交。

    By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients , I was building a personal relationship with them

  10. 大多数慢性病如糖尿病、高血压、动脉硬化、痛风都能通过植物性饮食及补充维生素B12和欧米茄3来缓解甚至治愈。

    Most of the chronic2 diseases like diabetes3 , hypertension , atherosclerosis , gout , can be attenuated4 and even reversed by following a plant-based diet and supplementing it with Vitamin B 12 and Omega - 3 .

  11. 谷歌曾通过关联性来调整搜索页面的排序算法,以此来控制谷歌炸弹的出现。

    Google moved to curb2 Google bombs by tweaking their formula for ranking pages by relevancy .

  12. 宋朝的政府体制在当时也是先进的。政府官员均通过竞争性考试选拔任用。

    The institution of Song dynasty was prominent at that time , the officials were employed through competitive examinations .

  13. 方法通过回顾性分析和部分病理对照的方法对105例传染性非典型肺炎的胸部X线片及CT片进行研究。

    Methods We analyzed the X-ray and CT photographs of 105 SARS patients retrospectively and partly compared the results pathologically .

  14. Rb可能主要通过功能性失活参与宫颈癌的发生。

    Rb may be functionally inactivated in cervical cancer .

  15. 转化生长因子β(transforminggrowthfactor-,βTGF-β)可通过特异性结合并激活具有丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶活性的细胞表面受体启动各种应答。

    Transforming growth factor β( TGF - β) initiates its diverse cellular responses by binding to and activating specific cell surface receptors that have intrinsic serine / threonine kinase activity .

  16. 通过风险性分析和计算,得出拟松材线虫是松树的重要病害种类,其R值为1.74,属于中度危险的林业有害生物。

    Analysis and calculation found that B.mucronatus is an important pest of pine trees in Guizhou with the R value of 1.74 , belong to medium danger pest .

  17. WebSphereAppplicationServer的Web服务安全性(WS-Security)功能通过声明性的模型使得可以在部署Web服务的实现时启用这些功能。

    The WebSphere Appplication Server 's WS-Security function allows the enablement of capabilities during deployment of the web services implementations through a declarative model .

  18. 通过极性控制的生长,使MBE法生长的GaN的表面形貌和电学特性都得到了改善;

    Through the polarity-controlled growth , surface morphology and electrical property of GaN grown by RF-MBE is improved ;

  19. 观察、记录移植物的存活时间,通过过继性转移实验,MLR、CTL活性测定及嵌合体分析,探讨耐受机制。

    MLR , CTL activity , analysis of chimerism and adop-tive transfer tests were used to investigate the mechanism of tolerance .

  20. 船载AIS设备通过周期性地向外广播船舶航行动静态信息,使得船舶对外可见,以起到安全避险作用,保障海上人员和船只安全。

    It periodically broadcasts static and dynamic information of the ship , which makes the ship " visible ", to protect the safety of the ship and people .

  21. 通过针对性饮食控制可有效控制或减少HSP的反复或复发,对HSP的防治有重要临床意义。

    The directed alimentary control can effectively handle or reduce the recurrence of HSP , which is of great importance in the prevention and treatment of HSP .

  22. 通过改性木屑吸附处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)水,探讨了废水酸度,吸附时间,废水中Cr(Ⅵ)的初始浓度,改性木屑用量对Cr(Ⅵ)吸附效果的影响。

    The treatment of chromium containing wastewater using modified sawdust adsorption was studied . The influences of acidity , adsorption time and initial chromium concentration of wastewater , and the sawdust on the adsorption efficiency of chromium removal were observed .

  23. 目的:通过前瞻性描述性调查性临床研究,了解CagA~+幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染的慢性胃炎及消化性溃疡与中医证型的关系,以指导临床治疗。

    Objective : It is to study the relationship between TCM syndrome-type of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer and infection of Helicobacter Pylori ( H. pylori ) with CagA gene .

  24. 本文分析了在耐久性分析时引入构件细节数效应系数DF代替构件额定值系数Rc的合理性,通过耐久性分析实例说明了其可行性。

    In this paper , analyze the rationality of Component Rating Factor ( Rc ) replaced by Detail Effect Factor ( DF ) and explain the applicability of DF in Durability by means of an example .

  25. 通过开放性实验与GIS专业人才培养关系的讨论,提出开放性实验改革的几个关键问题,并针对在专业人才培养中如何设计开放性实验进行一些探讨。

    On the basis of discussion on relationship between open test and cultivation of GIS-specialized talented persons , several key problems about open test reform are put forward and probe is also made in the paper into design of open test in cultivation of specialized talented persons .

  26. 目的通过前瞻性的临床研究,探讨尿-血渗透压比值和尿-血钠浓度比值监测对脑外伤后尿崩综合征(DI)和脑盐耗综合征(CSW)的意义。

    Objective To investigate the significance of urine-plasma osmotic pressure ratio and urine-plasma sodium concentration ratio in diabetes insipiclus ( DI ) and cerebral salt wasting syndrome ( CSW ) in traumatic brain injury .

  27. 结论:将PTX微量注射到右侧HPC可以在诱导对侧HPC癫痫网络形成的同时通过特征性的瞬时编码形式调制HPC-体循环动脉血压调节网络的功能活动。

    Conclusion : During contralateral hippocampal epileptic network reestablishment after microinjection of PTX to the RHPC , the function of the hippocampal-arterial blood pressure regulatory network could be modulated by characteristic network and neuronal temporal code patternings .

  28. 提示RPMCs功能性表达PPAR-γ,可能通过负性调节炎症介质分泌而参与腹腔局部防御。

    PPAR - γ may take part in the local defense of peritoneal cavity by down-regulating inflammatory mediators .

  29. 方法通过外源性底物磷酸化方法,测定了16例正常皮肤、22例银屑病皮损、5例皮肤鳞癌组织角质形成细胞膜酪氨酸蛋白激酶(TPK)的活性。

    Method The activity of tyrosine protein kinase ( TPK ) was determined by using exogenic substrates in 16 samples of normal skin , 22 psoriatic lesion and 5 skin squamous carcinoma .

  30. 本章运用AMOS软件、HLM软件和SPSS软件、通过验证性因子分析、多层线性回归、层级回归等统计方法对第3章提出的假设进行验证。

    In this chapter we use such software as AMOS , HLM , SPSS , via confirmatory factor analysis , multi-layer linear regression and hierarchy regression and other statistic methods to test the hypothesis proposed in chapter three .