
  • Late delivery;【交】delayed delivery
  1. 不过,新机型的逾期交付时有发生。

    But new aircraft are often overdue .

  2. 时光流逝,不觉我已年逾花甲。不过,新机型的逾期交付时有发生。

    Time passes quickly and I am already over sixty before I know it . But new aircraft are often overdue .

  3. 经过修理或者返工、建后,造成逾期交付的,施工人应当承担违约责任。

    Where delivery of the project is delayed due to such repair , re-construction or alteration , the constructor shall be liable for breach of contract .

  4. 甲方应当按照双方约定的期限向乙方交付商品,逾期交付的应当依约承担违约责任;

    Party A shall deliver the Goods to Party B , within the period agreed upon by the two parties ; otherwise Party A shall be held liable for breach of contract ;