
dào lù wǎng
  • Road network;road system/network;matrix
  1. 城市规划CAD中道路网平面图形的自动绘制

    Automated Plotting of Roads Network Plane Figure in Urban Planning CAD

  2. 基于GIS的城市道路网无级比例尺信息提取

    Information Abstract of Urban Roads on Varying Map Scale

  3. 基于RS与GIS的城市道路网密度计算

    Calculation of urban road network density based on RS and GIS

  4. 城市复杂道路网的Stroke生成方法

    Generating Strokes from City Road Networks

  5. 利用GIS和数字地图自动生成交通需求模型中三维道路网水力机组过渡过程图形化自动建模研究

    Automatic constructing of 3-D road network with GIS and digital map Research on graphical interfaces for automatic constructing model in hydro-mechanical transient

  6. 基于TDM的城市组团间道路网规划研究

    Research on the Road Network Planning between Clusters Based on TDM of Clustered Cities

  7. 第三步,基于改进的带状主动轮廓模型(RibbonSnake)对初始道路网进行边缘优化得到最终的道路网。

    The third step , implementing edge optimization on the primary road network using improved ribbon snake and gaining ultimate road network .

  8. 用行程时间可靠性描述道路网运行的质量的指标,针对其偏态分布特点,利用Johnson、Gauss曲线拟合行程时间的分布。

    Travel time reliability is used to describe the travel trait of road network and its distribution can be fitted by Johnson and Gauss curve according to its dissymmetry character .

  9. 第六,从路径、OD对、道路网等不同层次,研究了行程时间可靠性与通行能力可靠性之间的关系,建立了交通需求、服务水平和可靠性之间的关联模型。

    Sixthly , the relation between travel time reliability and capacity reliability was researched from various network hierarchies , involving path , OD pair or the whole network .

  10. 对现有的最短路径算法做了比较分析,选择了Dijkstra算法作为在哈尔滨交通道路网中进行路径分析的算法。

    We do comparative analysis for existing shortest path algorithms , and choose Dijkstra algorithm as the path analysis algorithm in Harbin traffic road network .

  11. 分析了公交网络的特点,研究了如何利用GIS技术建立基于道路网的公交网络模型,提出了基于最优化路径条件下的换乘搜索方法,并探讨了其在公交线路查询中的应用。

    The characters of public transit network is analyzed and the establishment of transit network model based on GIS is studied . It is suggest an algorithm to find the shortest bus route and discuss the application in the trip guidance .

  12. 本论文在完善超点模型基础上,进行了以下几方面的实现:1、使用扩展的UML工具对道路网进行建模,利用图形来描述真实世界各个对象的符号表示。

    Based on perfecting the super-node model , this thesis made some implement as follows : 1 . The extent UML instrument is used to model the network , the symbol representations of the real world objects are described with graphic .

  13. 本文研究了GIS城市道路网中任意两节点之间路径优化问题,提出了解决该问题的求解策略,解释实现该遗传算法的一些关键问题,力求为工程设计人员开发相关算法提供参考。

    In this paper , the path optimization between two nodes in a city road network is studied , some GA-based tactics are presented and some key issues in implementation are also explained in order to provide reference for engineers and designers in developing similar algorithms .

  14. 首先建立TM影像和GIS矢量数据的近似变换关系,在此基础上以矢量地图上的信息(水系、道路网等)为先验知识,利用多尺度模板匹配法对TM影像中的线状信息进行自动提取。

    Firstly , the paper build up the transform relationship between TM image and GIS vector data approximately , then take the information ( water system , road network etc ) on vector data as transcendent knowledge , extracting line-like object on TM image using multi-scale template automatically .

  15. 第三,提出了基于状态空间模型的道路网多断面短时交通流的预测模型和方法,采用状态空间模型和时间序列分析相结合,应用EM算法估计参数。

    Thirdly , a short-term traffic flow forecasting model of multiple road cross-sections in a road network was proposed based on state space model in which state space model was combined with time series analysis . EM algorithm was applied to estimate the parameters of the proposed model .

  16. 随着基于位置的服务(LBS)在交通管理服务中的广泛应用,获取并管理移动对象的位置信息成为必要,建立一种有效支持服务的道路网数据模型成为研究的重点和难点。

    Along with the general use of location-based service in the traffic management service , it becomes necessary to capture and manage the position information of moving object . An effective data modeling for LBS becomes the key-point and difficulty of research .

  17. 在图像分割获得基本道路网轮廓的基础上,提出了用Hough直线,再进行道路判断、道路修剪、道路连接,并形成道路网,实现了城市直线道路提取。

    On the basis of basic outline of the road network by Image segmentation , proposed by Hough Line , the road again , road cutting , road connections , and the formation of the road network is determined to achieve the city straight road extraction .

  18. 寻找交通道路网中任意两点之间最短路径的算法已有许多,其中Dijkstra算法是最有效的算法之一,其时间复杂性为O(n2)。

    There have been many algorithms for finding the shortest path between arbitrary two points in a traffic road net . Among these the Dijkstra 's algorithm is one of the most effective algorithms , its time complexity is O ( n 2 ) .

  19. 为完善系统的功能,在集成环境下,本文针对错综复杂的公路道路网,采用了Dijkstra算法进行最短路径寻优,快速生成通往目的地的最短行车路线,为行车提供了方便。

    In order to make the system perfect , Dijkstra algorithm is adopted in this paper to search the shortest paths for roads networks in the Integrated Mapping Environment , so that the shortest paths towards the destination is created quickly and provide convenience for the drivers .

  20. 根据道路网的具体特点,讨论了Dijkstra算法与动态规划理论相结合的最佳路径搜索策略,同时通过限制搜索方向减少算法的搜索规模,提高了算法的运行效率。

    According to the specific characteristics of the road network , The best path search strategy combined the Dijkstra Algorithm and dynamic programming theory is discussed . Meanwhile the operational efficiency of the algorithm by limiting the search direction to reduce the size of the search algorithm .

  21. 信号道路网动态路段行程时间有度排队模型

    Link travel time models for dynamic traffic assignment under signalized networks

  22. 城市道路网供求分析技术

    Analytical techniques about the supply and demand of urban road network

  23. 城市道路网容量的对偶图算法

    Dual graph algorithm for the volume of the city road network

  24. 关于大连城区道路网系统规划的对策研究

    Study on the Planning of Network System of Dalian City Road

  25. 一个从多波段遥感图像提取道路网的算法

    An Algorithm for Extracting Road Network from Multi-Band Remote Sensing Images

  26. 关于风景区道路网规划设计的研究

    The Research about Road Network Planning and Designing in Scenic Spot

  27. 城市道路网中路段相对重要性研究

    Study on the Relative Importance of Links in Urban Roads Network

  28. 上海快速道路网智能诱导系统的设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of Intelligent Guidance System in Shanghai Expressway Network

  29. 道路网自动制图综合的研究和实践

    Study and Practice to the Automated Generalization of Road Networks

  30. 饱和或过饱和城市道路网的优化设计模型

    An Optimization Design Model for Urban Street Networks on Saturation or Over-Saturation