
  1. 中东与北非地区的妇女具有遗产继承权。

    Women in the MENA have the right to inheritance .

  2. 等法官把她的遗产继承权授予我再说

    After a judge grants me power of attorney over her inheritance .

  3. 他父亲跟他吵了一架后,就取消了他的遗产继承权。

    His father cut him out after their quarrel .

  4. 我要跟他断绝关系,剥夺他的遗产继承权。

    I 'm disowning and disinheriting him .

  5. 那老太太不喜欢她的长子,故而取消了他的遗产继承权。

    The old woman disliked her eldest son , and she cut him off with a shilling .

  6. 在罗马法中,与妇女经济地位密切相关的是嫁妆、遗产继承权和经济活动参与权。

    In Roman law , and economic status of women is closely related to the dowry , the right to inherit property and the right to participate in economic activities .

  7. 作为家属之一员,妾所具有的私产持有权、被赡养权与一定的遗产继承权等,基本承自清代的法律与习惯。

    As a member of the family , a concubine could enjoy the property rights , the right of being supported and the right of heirdom . All of these rights were originated from the laws and customs in Qing Dynasty .

  8. 于世俗上,第八宫掌管赌博,欠债,共同投资,遗产及继承权。

    On the mundane level , the8th house deals with debts , loans , joint finances , legacies and inheritances .

  9. 他在1826年被沙皇释放之前又因为无神论被剥夺了父母遗产的继承权。

    He was exiled again to his parents ' estates for atheism before being freed by the Czar in 1826 .

  10. 剥夺的遗产;剥夺继承权。

    To exclude from inheritance or the right to inherit .

  11. 他对该遗产有合法继承权。

    He has a rightful claim to the inheritance .

  12. 配偶继承权是合法配偶之间互相对对方遗产所享有的继承权。

    Spouse inheritance is the right of inheritance that the legitimate spouse enjoys to heritages of the other .

  13. 遗产继承物,遗产;继承权。

    An inheritance or a legacy ; heritage .