
yí qì zuì
  • crime of abandonment
  1. 遗弃罪之新诠释

    New Interpretation of the Crime of Abandonment

  2. 遗弃罪之再探析

    On Crime of Abandonment

  3. 是故需从立法的角度重新建构遗弃罪。

    Therefore , it is necessary to construct the abandonment crime on legislation .

  4. 遗弃罪作为一个传统罪名,发展至今也几经变化。

    As a traditional crime , the crime of abandonment has been changed for times so far .

  5. 因而,对遗弃罪的若干犯罪构成要件应重新认识。

    Some requisites to constitute the crime of abandonment have new meanings , so we should consequently renew our opinions .

  6. 有必要借鉴德日刑法相关立法,以完善我国刑法中关于遗弃罪的规定。

    It is necessary to learn from the relevant provisions of Germany and Japanese Criminal Law to perfect our legislation of crime of abandonment .

  7. 中日刑法中的遗弃罪在概念、构成要件、对重结果的规制方面存在着很大差异。

    There are many differences in the concept , constitutional items and dealing with the serious result in the abandonment crime between China and Japan .

  8. 遗弃罪法益的变化使交通肇事逃逸致死问题的定性变得复杂化。

    The change of law profit of the abandonment crime has made the determination of the nature of traffic accident cases which caused death because of escape become complicated .

  9. 现行刑法中遗弃罪的法益是需要扶助人的受扶助的权利,对象不限于家庭成员。

    In the crime of abandonment the legal benefit refers to the right of the person who needs assistance to receive assistance and the object is not necessarily confined to the family members .

  10. 因此,学者之间就有了争议,认为应该通过解释的方法扩大遗弃罪的范围,但学者们对该罪的理解仍然基本上保持通说的观点。

    So there will be a dispute between scholars , argued that explanation method should be adopted to expand the scope of the abandonment crime . But scholars still remain the basic viewpoint .

  11. 在分则体系位置的安排上,立法者应当依据遗弃罪之犯罪客体的性质对其进行适当调整。

    In the aspect of arrangement of position of the Crime of Abandonment in the specific provisions of criminal law , legislators should make some adjustment according to the object of the Crime of Abandonment .

  12. 故此应当针对上述缺陷分别从遗弃罪立法规定的罪状、刑罚以及分则体系之位置这三个方面来加以完善。

    Then , in response to above defects , author puts forward a sound advice in aspects of crime indictment , penalty and position in the specific provisions of criminal law of legislative regulation of the Crime of Abandonment .

  13. 与这种社会制度相对应的社会发展常常是一种道德伦理观念感强烈,相对封闭的状况,在这种封建形态下,遗弃罪的成立被限制在家庭成员之间,也是顺理成章的了。

    Corresponding to this , the social system and social development is often a strong sense of moral and ethical concepts , relatively closed state , and in this feudal form , the crime of abandonment which was limited to family members is logical .

  14. 本文第三章阐述了交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的含义、性质,以及逃逸致人死亡的主观和客观方面,逃逸致人死亡与故意杀人罪、遗弃罪的界限等。

    The third chapter talks about the meaning and quality of the death resulted from escaping after causing traffic trouble , the subjective and objective aspects of death caused by escaping , and the limits between death because of escaping and intentional homicide crime and desertion crime .

  15. 在刑罚设置上,将遗弃致人重伤、死亡的情形设定为遗弃罪的结果加重犯。

    In the aspect of penalty setting , set the situation of ' abandoning induces severe injury or death ' to aggregated consequential offense of the Crime of Abandonment .

  16. 因遗弃致被遗弃者死亡的,处十年以上有期徒刑或无期徒刑。3.扩大遗弃罪主体,犯罪主体包括自然人和单位。

    If abandonment behavior lead to the abandoned died , place above ten years imprisonment or life imprisonment . Three , Expanding the body of the abandonment crime , which including natural person and unit .